On Air After Hours Dave Moore | 10:00pm - Midnight

43. Talking In The Dark With Pam Duncan-Glancy, MSP

Talking in the Dark

Sunday, 19 May 2024 - 36 minutes

The world of politics can be incredibly fast-paced and demanding, and for today’s guest who spends her life as a busy MSP working to bring about positive change for her constituents, ‘persivilience’ is a most essential character trait! This week on Talking in the Dark, Evie speaks with Pam Duncan-Glancy, MSP In this fascinating conversation, Evie learns all about Pam’s life and work, covering a range of subjects including: growing up as a child with a very aggressive and debilitating form of arthritis, her busy day-to-day work now as a disabled member of the Scottish parliament, and the proud moment in 2021 when she was elected to represent the people of Scotland. This was a wonderful conversation with a vibrant and passionate guest, and we thank Pam greatly for finding time in her schedule to talk. 

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