On Air Greatest Hits Chris Kinley | 6:00pm - 9:00pm

Talking in the Dark

A 15 year old blind podcaster, chatting to incredible people from all walks of life, aiming to raising awareness about blindness, visual impairment and disability in a happy and light-hearted way. The goal of this podcast is to remove some of the stigmas and stereotypes around such disabilities whilst also having fun at the same time.

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  • 60. Talking In The Dark With Ed Larkin : Actor And Star Of The Little Big Things Musical

    Sunday, 22 September 2024

    45 minutes

    Theatre is a wonderfully vibrant art form full of human expression and life and this week’s guest is a leading actor who simply thrives and sparkles in the lime light.   This week on Talking in the Dark Evie speaks with actor and star of the West End Ed Larkin. In today’s conversation Evie speaks with Ed and learns all about his childhood growing up as a young person with cerebral palsy. Ed also shares where is love of performing first began and the incredible experience he had playing the central character in the West End musical The Little Big Things. This was a brilliant talk with a won...

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  • 59. Talking In The Dark With Richard Herring : Comedian, Podcaster, Author, And Scope charity Ambassador

    Sunday, 8 September 2024

    1 hour 3 minutes

    Today’s guest is a pioneering British comedian who has shaped and developed a sparkling career on stage, TV, radio, and in print. However, he is also a person who has dealt with a considerable illness which he now speaks about and raises awareness around.  This week on Talking in the Dark Evie speaks with comedian, podcaster, author and ambassador for the Scope charity Richard Herring. In today’s conversation Evie speaks with Richard and learns all about his journey into comedy, the joys he finds in touring and performing live, and the impetus behind starting his brilliant podcast The Lei...

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  • 58. Talking In The Dark With Abbie Robinson : World Champion Paraclimber And VICTA Charity Patron

    Monday, 2 September 2024

    58 minutes

    Competitive climbing is a very demanding sport that requires a lot of strength, agility and courage.  Today’s guest is a world champion, gold medal winning climber who scales the most challenging of walls whilst also having a very significant visual impairment. This week on Talking in the Dark Evie speaks with world champion paraclimber and patron of the VICTA charity, Abbie Robinson. In today’s conversation Evie speaks with Abbie and learns all about her particular V.I. condition and how she discovered and became involved with climbing when she was a child. Abbie also shares with Evie wh...

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  • 57. Talking In The Dark With Ed Jackson : Adventurer, Charity Founder, Broadcaster, And Author

    Sunday, 25 August 2024

    56 minutes

    Today’s guest is a man whose inner strength, resolve and desire to help other people are as deeply engrained within him as the great mountains he scales are high. This week on Talking in the Dark Evie speaks with adventurer, Millimetres 2 Mountains charity founder, broadcaster and author Ed Jackson. In today’s episode Evie talks with Ed and learns all about the life changing accident that ended a very rewarding career as a professional rugby player and the significant physical and mental challenges he faced learning to adapt to the injuries he suffered. Ed also describes the purpose he no...

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  • 56. Talking In The Dark With Rashmi Becker : Step Change Studio Dance Company

    Sunday, 18 August 2024

    47 minutes

    Today’s guest is a person who responded to a challenging situation with love and care, and as a result created an award winning and pioneering company that encourages everyone regardless of age or ability to express themselves through the beautiful artistic medium of dance.   This week on Talking in the Dark Evie speaks with Rashmi Becker founder of the Step Change Studios dance company. Through today’s interview Evie learns all about Rashmi’s dance company and the very personal reasons behind why she decided to establish Step Change Studios in the first place. Rashmi also explains how she ...

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  • 55. Talking In The Dark With Jodi-Alyssa Bickerton : The Graeae Theatre Company

    Sunday, 11 August 2024

    45 minutes

    Today’s guest is the creative learning director for a highly acclaimed and world-famous theatre company which challenges preconceptions, smashes outdated ideology and empowers deaf, disabled and neurodivergent artists create stunning and deeply meaningful performance work. This week on Talking in the Dark Evie speaks with Jodi-Alyssa Bickerton from the incredible Graeae Theatre Company. In today’s talk Evie learns all about Jodi’s life and work at Graeae including: how she first became interested in theatre and some of the early experiences that informed her journey into the profession, an...

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  • 54. Talking In The Dark With Stuart Hann : The Blind Chocolatier

    Sunday, 4 August 2024

    23 minutes

    Everyone loves chocolate, right? The flavours, the textures, the designs, the colours… just delicious! This week’s guest is a leading UK chocolatier who creates incredibly tasty and beautifully presented chocolates without the use of sight. This week on Talking in the Dark Evie speaks with The Blind Chocolatier, Stuart Hann. Over the course of today’s conversation Evie learns all about Stuart’s life, career and craft first hearing about how he lost his sight and the dramatic impact this had upon his life and job as a chef, and then the resilience and resourcefulness Stuart showed responding...

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  • 53. Talking In The Dark With Robbie Crow : BBC Strategic Disability Lead

    Sunday, 28 July 2024

    40 minutes

    Statistically speaking people with a VI condition find it much more difficult to find work than their sighted peers. However, this week’s guest has not only risen to the very top of his profession but he has also been recognised as one of the most influential disabled people in the UK. This week on Talking in the Dark Evie speaks with Strategic Disability Lead for the BBC, Robbie Crow. During this incredibly vibrant interview Evie speaks to Robbie about his life and career discussing many interesting topics including; Robbie’s particular VI condition and his journey into employment after Un...

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  • 52. Talking In The Dark With Keron Day : Actor And Disability Advocate

    Sunday, 21 July 2024

    37 minutes

    This week’s guest is an actor that lights up the screen with his talent and personality whatever the role he might be playing. However, he is also a powerful advocate for people living with a disability and frequently enlivens a debate with his quick-wit and passion. This week on Talking in the Dark Evie speaks with actor and disability advocate Keron Day. In this highly engaging conversation Evie speaks to Keron about his life and acting career learning lots about his experience as a child growing up with cerebral palsy and the way in which he found his love of acting. Keron also shares...

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  • 51. Talking In The Dark With Clarke Reynolds : Artist And Patron And Ambassador Of The VICTA charity

    Sunday, 14 July 2024

    36 minutes

    51: One might think that in order to create and appreciate fine-art a person would require sight. However, this week’s incredible guest is a world-renowned artist who defies this logic by creating beautiful paintings and jaw-dropping sculptural installations whilst also being blind. This week on Talking in the Dark Evie speaks with artist and patron and ambassador for the VICTA charity Clarke Reynolds. In this colourful conversation Evie learns all about Clarke’s life and work covering a wide range of interesting topics including Clarke’s VI condition and his journey to becoming an artist, ...

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  • 50. Talking In The Dark With Julia Donaldson : Best Selling Children's Author And Playwright

    Sunday, 7 July 2024

    55 minutes

    50: Some children’s book characters stay in our hearts forever and thinking of them can make us feel happy when we are sad and hopeful in the darkest of days. This week’s guest is a world-renowned children’s author who has provided us with one of the most beautiful and endearing characters of all time …the Gruffalo. This week on Talking in the Dark Evie speaks with best-selling children’s author and playwright, Julia Donaldson. During this wonderful interview Evie learns all about Julia’s life and work covering topics such as Julia’s childhood and the books and poems that left an impression...

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  • 49. Talking In The Dark With David Holmes : Former Harry Potter Stuntman, Podcaster, And Star Of The Boy Who Lived Documentary

    Sunday, 30 June 2024

    48 minutes

    This week’s incredible guest has many magical accomplishments to his name including being the first ever Quidditch player at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! This week on Talking in the Dark Evie speaks with former Harry Potter stuntman, podcaster, and star of The Boy Who Lived documentary, David Holmes. During this joyful conversation Evie learns all about David’s life, career and experience covering a wide variety of topics such as: his fond memories working as a top Hollywood stunt man before suffering a life changing injury, David’s journey after his accident learning how...

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  • 48. Talking In The Dark With Dr Nic Bonne : Astronomer And Creator Of T he 'Tactile Universe' Project

    Sunday, 23 June 2024

    38 minutes

    The night sky is truly awe inspiring to contemplate with its millions of stars, planets and galaxies. And this week’s guest is a leading astronomer who works to make the universe more accessible for everyone regardless of their VI condition. This week on Talking in the Dark Evie speaks with visually impaired astronomer and creator of the ‘Tactile Universe’ project, Dr Nic Bonne. During this fascinating discussion Evie learns all about Nic’s life and work including: the childhood experiences that inspired his deep love and interest in astronomy, some of the challenges he has faced in his wor...

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  • 47. Talking In The Dark With Michel Roux Jr : Michelin Star Chef, Author, And TV Personality

    Sunday, 16 June 2024

    22 minutes

    This week’s guest is an icon of the restaurant industry. He is a two-time Michelin star chef, a best-selling author, and extremely popular TV personality, and if all that wasn’t enough he is also an avid marathon runner!    This week on Talking in the Dark Evie speaks with acclaimed chef Michel Roux Jr. During this happy conversation Evie learns all about Michel’s life and work including: the wonderful influence his family had on his career, the honour he felt serving dinner for Queen Elizebeth II at his London restaurant Le Gavroche, and the joy and freedom he finds in long distance runnin...

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  • 46. Talking In The Dark With Louise Dyson, MBE : Founder Of The VisAble Agency

    Sunday, 9 June 2024

    51 minutes

    This week’s guest is a world renowned theatrical agent who works specifically for disabled actors and models helping them enter the entertainment industry and forge exciting careers on stage, screen and radio. This week on Talking in the Dark Evie speaks with founder of the VisABLE People Agency, Louise Dyson, MBE. In this lovely conversation Evie learns all about the reasons for Louise creating the agency in the first instance, some of the challenges that she and her clients face when accessing the industry, and her wonderful aspirations for the future. This was a fascinating conversation...

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  • 45. Talking In The Dark With Menna Fitzpatrick : Visually Impaired Paralympic Skier

    Sunday, 2 June 2024

    39 minutes

    Downhill racing is one of the most dangerous sports in the world with competitors frequently reaching speeds in-excess of 70 miles per hour. This week’s guest is a gold medal winning, visually impaired, world champion skier who competes completely untethered and with only 5% sight. This week on Talking in the Dark Evie speaks with visually impaired paralympic skier Menna Fitzpatrick. During this fascinating conversation Evie gets an insight into Menna’s life and exciting career learning all about the challenges she faced as a young child growing up with her particular visual impairment, ho...

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  • 44. Talking In The Dark With Chloe Fuller : TV Presenter And Pet Nutritionist.

    Monday, 27 May 2024

    49 minutes

    Some people have a love of life which is just infectious and this week’s guest applies her sparkling personality to the worlds of TV presenting, and pet nutrition, working to make the planet a happier, healthier and more rewarding place for pets and their owners. This week on Talking in the Dark Evie speaks with TV presenter and pet nutritionist Chloe Fuller. In this wonderfully varied conversation Evie learns all about Chloe’s life and career, including: how she navigated her teenage years after being diagnosed with debilitating health conditions, the importance of assistance dogs to peop...

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  • 43. Talking In The Dark With Pam Duncan-Glancy, MSP

    Sunday, 19 May 2024

    36 minutes

    The world of politics can be incredibly fast-paced and demanding, and for today’s guest who spends her life as a busy MSP working to bring about positive change for her constituents, ‘persivilience’ is a most essential character trait! This week on Talking in the Dark, Evie speaks with Pam Duncan-Glancy, MSP In this fascinating conversation, Evie learns all about Pam’s life and work, covering a range of subjects including: growing up as a child with a very aggressive and debilitating form of arthritis, her busy day-to-day work now as a disabled member of the Scottish parliament, and the pro...

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  • 42. Talking In The Dark With Jamie Shields: Accessibility Innovator And Creator Of 'Disabled By Society'

    Sunday, 12 May 2024

    51 minutes

    This week’s guest describes himself as blind AuDHD rhino which is a wonderful reflection of the way in which he has truly embraced his differences and owned the prejudices he has faced in his life. This week on Talking in the Dark Evie speaks with award winning accessibility innovator and creator of ‘Disabled By Society’, Jamie Shields. In this lovely conversation Evie talks to Jamie about his childhood growing up as a teenager registered blind and some of the difficulties he faced navigating school, university and then employment. Jamie also discusses the complex challenges he realised di...

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  • 41. Talking In The Dark With Nathan Geering: Groundbreaking Accessibility Innovator

    Sunday, 5 May 2024

    42 minutes

    Some people are just too talented for words and this week’s guest is an individual who’s list of skills include fire-eating, break dancing, martial arts, film making, stunt performing, …and innovating ground breaking accessibility programs!  This week on Talking in the Dark Evie speaks with Nathan Geering – fire performer, martial artist, stunt performer, and accessibility innovator.   In this lovely conversation Evie learns all about Nathan’s life and work, including: where he gets his ideas for films from, how he became interested in the exciting activities he is now famous for, and the ...

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  • 40. Talking In The Dark With Martin Hibbert: Machester Bomb Survivor And Author

    Sunday, 28 April 2024

    44 minutes

    This week’s guest has had a life experience that no-one should ever have to endure. In May of 2017, whilst at a concert with his daughter, Martin Hibbert found himself stood only meters away from a suicide bomber seconds before detonation. Caught directly in the blast of the explosion both Martin and his daughter were left fighting for their lives, and suffered life changing injuries as a result. Martin’s story is one of extreme physical and emotional trauma but also great resilience, determination, and ultimately triumph. Today on Talking in the Dark Evie speaks with Martin Hibbert: auth...

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  • 39. Talking In The Dark With Adam Pearson: Actor, Presenter, And Disability Advocate

    Sunday, 21 April 2024

    50 minutes

    This week’s guest is an incredibly talented and much-loved actor and presenter who has been a firm feature on our TV sets and in our cinemas for over a decade. This week on Talking in the Dark Evie sits down and talks with actor, presenter, and disability advocate Adam Pearson. In this lively and fun conversation Evie chats with Adam about a wide variety of topics including; his early life as a teenager negotiating school with a physical difference, the importance of creating an honest representation of disability on screen, and the many challenges caused through type casting. Adam also ...

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  • 38. Talking In The Dark With Sir Robin Millar: Record Producer & Chair Of Scope Charity

    Sunday, 14 April 2024

    55 minutes

    Often cited as the original ‘Smooth Operator’ this week’s guest is the very epitome of cool. Record producer for many of the most popular recording artists of the last 40 years, including 80’s sensation ‘Sade’, he is also a highly respected business man and powerful advocate of people living with disability. This week on Talking in the Dark Evie talks with best-selling record producer, businessman, and Chair of the disability charity Scope …the incredibly cool Sir Robin Millar. In this lovely far reaching conversation Sir Robin explains to Evie his early life growing up navigating school ...

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  • 37. Talking In The Dark With Steve Backshall: Naturalist, Explorer, Presenter, And Writer

    Sunday, 7 April 2024

    45 minutes

    Some people go to extraordinary lengths in the name of their work and this week’s guest has spent his entire career travelling the world, exploring some of the most remote and dangerous environments on the planet in order to communicate the importance of protecting wildlife. This week on Talking in the Dark Evie sits down and speaks with non-other than naturalist, explorer, TV presenter, and writer Steve Backshall. In this wonderful conversation Evie learns all about Steve’s exciting life including when his love of nature first began, a number of his favourite expeditions, and the great pa...

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  • 36. Talking In The Dark With Sam Tatlow MBE: Creative Diversity Partner for ITV

    Sunday, 31 March 2024

    40 minutes

    36. Achieving an honest, authentic and equal representation of people with disability on television and in film is often said to be a vital factor in creating a more inclusive society, and this week’s guest is so passionate about this particular subject she has made it her life’s work. This week on Talking in the Dark Evie talks with ITV’s Creative Diversity Partner, and Chair of the BAFTA Disability Group Sam Tatlow, MBE. In this fascinating conversation Sam speaks to Evie about her work helping to influence greater inclusion in television and film, as well the many ways her and her team...

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  • 35. Talking In The Dark With Nile Rodgers: Record Producer, Guitarist, Composer And Music Legend

    Monday, 25 March 2024

    1 hour 11 minutes

    This week’s guest is a true icon of modern music. With an illustrious career spanning more than fifty years, and with six Grammy Awards to his name, this Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee is considered one of the most influential musicians of recent times.     This week on Talking in the Dark Evie talks with composer, record producer, guitarist and total legend in the world of music, the incredible Nile Rodgers In this wonderful conversation Evie speaks to Nile about his early life growing up in America as a child of beatnik intellectuals, the discovery and realisation of his unique styl...

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  • 34. Talking In The Dark With Amy Forrest: Actress And Star Of Stage And Screen

    Sunday, 17 March 2024

    33 minutes

    'Talking in the Dark ‘STARRING’ the amazing Amy Forrest!' This week on Talking in the Dark Evie talks with actress and star of stage and screen Amy Forrest. In this lovely and happy conversation Evie learns all about Amy’s life and work as an actress, discussing at length some of the challenges of treading the boards whilst having a visual impairment, and the great importance of representation on TV and in Film. Amy also talks about working at the National Theatre in the 2019 ground breaking production of ‘Small Island’, and her most recent television roles in the BBC comedy ‘Sister Bonifa...

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  • 33. Talking In The Dark With Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson: Paralympian & Member Of House Of Lords,

    Sunday, 10 March 2024

    36 minutes

    This week’s guest is a true icon of sport; a world record breaking Paralympian who has achieved the loftiest podium positions possible whilst always maintaining her feet firmly on the ground campaigning for the rights of people with disability. This week on Talking in the Dark Evie sits down with multi gold-medal winning Paralympian and member of the House of Lords, Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson. In this wonderful conversation Evie learns all about Tanni’s childhood growing up with spina bifida, her journey into sport and becoming a Paralympian, and the important work she now does as a membe...

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  • 32. Talking In The Dark With Darren Edwards: Disabled Adventurer, Inspirational Speaker, And Author

    Sunday, 3 March 2024

    35 minutes

    To say that this week’s guest has been to the ‘World’s End’ and back, both in the literal and the figurative sense, would be an understatement. His is a life-story of truly epic proportions and one that details great physical endurance, incredible mental fortitude, and ultimately life-affirming triumph and joy. This week on Talking in the Dark Evie sits down with record-breaking disabled adventurer, inspirational speaker, and author Darren Edwards. During this conversation Evie learns of Darren’s life changing accident whilst climbing the ‘World’s End’ rock face in North Wales, his recover...

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  • 31. Talking In The Dark With Rosie Jones: Comedian, Actress, Writer, And All-Round Awesome Person

    Sunday, 25 February 2024

    38 minutes

    Some people have talents that are simply undeniable and this week’s guest is one such individual. She is a trail blazer, a ground breaker and someone that just simply loves to crack a joke! This week on Talking in the Dark, Evie chats with the completely remarkable and utterly hilarious, Rosie Jones. In this wonderfully lively and engaging conversation Evie talks with Rosie about her early life growing up in Bridlington, her journey to becoming a top British comedian, and the great joy that she has gotten from writing her brilliant children’s books that puts a person with a disability as t...

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