On Air One to Three Chris Pearson | 1:00pm - 3:00pm

Shiaght Laa 5th December 2019

X Shiaght Laa

Thursday, 5 December 2019 - 25 minutes

Manx Radio's weekly programme looking at Manx life from a different angle, exploring the historical, social, linguistic and academic issues. Fiona McArdle introduces the programme as we hear about a book called 'Port Erin : Past and Present' published by Loaghtan Books, featuring postcards from the extensive collection of Ray Stanfield, who explains about his archive, with modern photographs by George Hobbes and explanatory text by Sara Goodwins, who tell us about their work on the book. Not far from Port Erin there was a traditional fair held at Bell Abbey in Colby to celebrate Shenn Laal Catreeney, and we hear a song associated with the event sung for us by Brian Mac Stoyll. This leads us on to visit the Culture Vannin headquarters in St John's for the launch of an autobiography by Brian Mac Stoyll entitled 'Gaelg as Fishig : Skeeal my Vea'. We hear from Yn Greinneyder, Culture Vannin's Manx Language Development Officer, Adrian Cain, and the amanuensis who helped prepare the book, Dr Wendy Mercer.

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