On Air Saturday Sandwich Simon Clarke & Kirree Kermode | 10:00am - Noon

Shiaght Laa 20th October 2022

X Shiaght Laa

Thursday, 20 October 2022 - 25 minutes

Fiona McArdle introduces the programme, reminding us that on Friday 21st and Saturday 22nd October there are more opportunities to see the musical presentation about the Star of India by Ramsey-based theatre group, Cloiederyn. 

We heard last time about the recent official re-starting of the Great Laxey Wheel. Whilst the Wheel was being re-started, historic building architect and project leader, John Paul Walker, gives an overview of the Wheel and a commentary on its re-starting.   

Museum 100 is a new exhibition opening at the Manx Museum in Douglas on Saturday 22nd October. Art and Social History Curator of Manx National Heritage, Katie King, tells us about the background to it and what we can expect to see.

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