On Air Night Flight | Midnight - 5:00am


X At Your Service

Sunday, 5 May 2024 - 30 minutes

We conclude our coverage of the official opening of the new Salvation Army Church and Community Centre in Ballacottier Crescent on the Isle of Man Business Park in Braddan which took place over the weekend of 27th and 28th April 2024.    
In this programme we share words and music from a time of worship, recorded during the Sunday morning service on the celebration weekend, led by Captain Rachael Nieuwoudt - Captain Rachael and her husband Captain Dylan, are Commanding Officers in the Salvation Army Isle of Man, and Major David Taylor, Divisional Leader of the Salvation Army in the North of England.   
Major David also shares some thoughts on the journey  that has brought the Salvation Army Isle of Man to this point, and we catch up with old friends who began their faith journey at the Salvation Army in the Lord Street Citadel, but who are now ministering with the Army in other places.
And we have our notice board - as usual
Items for inclusion can be emailed to judithley@manxradio.com     

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