On Air Time for Brass Ian Cottier | 9:00pm - 10:00pm


At Your Service - Manx Radio

Sunday, 7 April 2024 - 32 minutes

Christian Aid Isle of Man Representative Louise Whitelegg is here with an invitation to a great party - to celebrate all the work that's been achieved in Burundi, thanks to the generosity of the Manx public and the IOM Government Overseas Aid - and to say goodbye to all those completed projects - because it's time now to turn our attention to Malawi - a country in the grip of serious poverty - but whose fortunes could be changed by the Pigeon Peas Project - expect to hear much more about this in Christian Aid week next month (May)
Rev'd Leslie Newton is Methodist Chair of District of North and East Yorkshire - and joins us on the programme to talk about his new book - getting back to the basics of John Wesley's teaching as a basis for growth in our present age.  REVIVE US AGAIN by Leslie Newton is available as a Kindle download or a printed book, via Amazon
And we return to a conversation we had a few weeks ago,  with Karen and Tim Norton - founders of the very successful Cafe Lingo - an place to learn English and all about Island life, specially for those who are new to the Island and for whom English is not their first language.  When we met, Karen and Tim were about to hand over the reins of Cafe Lingo to their very able successors, and enjoy a well-earned retirement - but here's one last story from Karen - a real lesson in how a little idea turned into something much much bigger - and very special.
CAFE LINGO resumes in the Promenade Methodist Church here in Douglas on Saturday 13 April at 10am
No charge - all welcome - creche available during language classes, so children are welcome too

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