On Air Sundown Judith Ley | 9:00pm - 1:00am

Agenda 27.11.23 - Government’s plans meaningless nonsense or a valiant attempt to keep Department’s accountable?

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Sunday, 26 November 2023 - 25 minutes

Departmental Plans came in for a bit of stick in Tynwald last week but are they the “meaningless drivel” that John Rimmington once described his Department’s plan about twenty years ago? Speaker Watterson didn’t quite go that far but it is fair to say he wasn’t impressed. The Department of Education’s was one of the plans he criticised so what did Minister Edge make of the criticism? We also hear about a rather disturbing case of some one with deep pockets using the legal system to financially ruin one of Stu Peter’s constituents. Are the government’s plans meaningless nonsense or a valiant attempt to keep Department’s accountable?

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