On the 4th March the House of Keys will choose four people to become members of the Legislative Council. Prior to that vote, Agenda and Perspective will be speaking with all the candidates so that you can find out more about the people that hope to become national politicians. On a LegCo Perspective special this Sunday at 12 noon on Manx Radio with me Phil Gawne we hear from retired engineer Andrew Jones and social worker Kirstie Morphet. That’s a double dose MLC Perspective special. So we’ve heard from some very informed and experienced candidates - who will be chosen by the Keys next week?
On the 4th March the House of Keys will choose four people to become members of the Legislative Council. Prior to that vote, Agenda and Perspective will be speaking with all the candidates so that you can find out more about the people that hope to become national politicians. On a LegCo Perspective special we hear from businessmen Matt Gough and Ron Berry. That’s a double dose MLC Agenda special. I hope you’re enjoying listening to the people standing for LegCo as much as I’m enjoying interviewing them. If not, don’t worry … only another week to go.
Next week the Treasury Minister will deliver this government’s fourth budget and on Perspective we assess the current shape of government’s finances and consider what might be announced in the budget in Tynwald on Tuesday. The Treasury Minister has been dropping broad hints about what could be revealed , particularly in relation to pensions and national insurance, but with the Government’s “Our Island Plan” struggling to get off the starting blocks there’s little slack in the system to deliver much good news. With housing rentals up by nearly 20% last year but sticking plasters significantl...
The Lieutenant Governor is offering 19-25 year olds the chance to immerse themselves in the work of Government House for a day. Participants will experience the breadth of Sir John Lorimer’s work, typically through meetings, visits to Island events, and the day-to-day work of the Government House team. On Perspective this week we hear from Sir John, and his first guest Emily Bridson. So, what has the Lieutenant Governor ever done for us? Apart from wearing a fancy hat and sitting on Tynwald Hill once a year … acting as a conduit between the King, Tynwald and the Isle of Man Government, …. h...
Health Minister Claire Christian has been under fire this week for telling Tynwald there’d be no cuts to health services and then cuts being announced. The beleaguered Minister rejects suggestions that she had misled Tynwald and the public, and gives her perspective on why leaking the withdrawn media release announcing health cuts misled the public. What message does the Minister have to those who’ve had treatments cancelled? Will we hear an apology? You might be surprised by the answer.
January Tynwald saw some interesting business transacted including Strategic Air Services, a new government recruitment framework mechanism, and an announcement that the Drs industrial action had been averted. It was at times though quite fractious and government almost lost the vote on the removal of MiCard for pension and benefit payments. Several items were withdrawn from the Order Paper including two from Lawrie Hooper, and the local economy strategy came in for some criticism. Real change or more deck-chair rearranging? You’ll have to listen to find out.
Doctors employed by Manx Care are planning to take industrial action primarily to achieve a 12.5% pay increase. A ballot last month showed 95% of the 121 doctors who voted supported the move as they feel that their concerns are not being taken seriously enough. They tell Perspective why they are threatening this unprecedented action and they don’t hold back on their views about Manx Care’s leadership. That’s Perspective this Sunday at 12 noon on Manx Radio with me Phil Gawne. If an apple a day keeps the Doctor away I expect the Health Minister has been eating lots of apples this week.
Normally on Perspective we hear from seasoned voices giving their sage opinions on the affairs of the day. This week at least for the first part of the program we break from the norm and hear from Castle Rushen High School Junior Achievement program entrants Gate 2 plate. They aim to help strengthen the connection between Manx food consumers and those who produce Manx food. We also hear from Douglas North MHK John Wannenburgh who is moving the petition of Ms Andrea Krüger in January Tynwald. Will you be inspired by the Gate2Plate team to buy more Manx produced food?
There was so much discussed in last month’s Tynwald that we couldn’t fit it all in to December coverage. So as we’ve still not reached old Christmas Day it’s not unreasonable to extend December a little so we can cover Crogga, the Minister without portfolio, attempts to change the tax system - both increases and decreases - and an attempt to reform the budget process all crammed into this bumper old style Christmas political special. If you’re fed up with binge watching Christmas telly and are desperate for political inspiration the Perspective is that late Christmas present you were hoping...
Perspective 29.12.24Are you going cold turkey from the absence of Manx politics over the Christmas time? Are you hopeful that the bright star in the east is not a giant meteor heading straight for us? Perhaps you’re full of Christmas love and cheer and looking forward to a bright and prosperous 2025? Well Perspective may have some of the answers as we take a look back over the big stories that shaped the Manx political scene in 2024 as well as making a few predictions for 2025. Will 2025 see the Manx political turkeys actually voting for Christmas?
Perspective 15.12.24December Tynwald proved to be a lively affair with lots of interesting debate and questions and answers. There were questions about food security and the Minister without portfolio and a debate on housing - we may begin to see some being built next year. And spare a thought for Speaker of the House of Keys Juan Watterson who’s still banging on about making the budget process more transparent. The December Tynwald saw one or two stars rising in the east but where were the wise men? Certainly no shortage of donkeys!
December Tynwald is shaping up to be a slightly less verbose affair than its November neighbour with just three main government motions on the Order Paper but one or two meaty motions tabled by back benchers. In one of those Stu Peters stands like King Canute against the Net Zero tide. Stu explains why on Perspective. New DoI Minister Michelle Haywood tells us about her Department plan and we also hear from Douglas Central MHK Ann Corlett. She doesn’t say a lot in Keys and Tynwald but she subscribes to the view that actions speak louder than words. Some pre Christmas crackers on this week’s...
At November Tynwald members pondered when is a dependency not a dependency, should UK legislation introduced to the Isle of Man by CoMin be laid before Tynwald and does the Isle of Man need a permanent representative in London? It’s remarkable that there has been little discussion and even less change to our constitutional relationship with the UK for nearly quarter of a century. A fascinating topic for Perspective. Some have said that if it ain’t broke don’t fix it but perhaps it is broke but politicians have just got so used to the decaying structure they’ve not noticed it’s structural fl...
It might be easier to talk about what Tynwald didn’t discuss this week in their rare three day sitting. Housing or lack of it was discussed, the future of our pensions, health, drugs, energy, food, the Post Office, education, dyslexia and the constitution were all squeezed in to a very busy Tynwald sitting and Perspective was there to record some of the highlights. Yes a spicy seasonal winter mix of politics on Perspective this week. And there is of course the unanswered question of who will pick up the reins at the Health department - anyone fancy it?
It’s November Tynwald next week and probably the most important item is what changes are need to ensure the National Insurance Fund - and the pensions it helps to pay - remain sustainable in the future. Treasury Minister Alex Allinson MHK explains the changes he’s considering which includes replacing the triple lock promise for future pension increases, and increasing the options for use of the NI Fund. We also hear from former Treasury Minister Eddie Teare who explains what previous administrations did to make the fund more sustainable. An attack on pensions or a prudent step to control go...
The Assisted Dying Bill 2023 is being progressed now through the Legislative Council and at the Principles Stage of the Bill there was a successful call for further evidence to be taken. The vote in LegCo was seven in favour of the Bill with just one against. We’ve heard a lot over the past year or so about the case in favour and against the principle of introducing legislation to allow people to end their life so on Perspective this week we’re considering what the legislation now looks like, why new evidence is needed to be considered what concerns remain.
Why do we have a Chief Minister? Is it to provide leadership to the government or political direction perhaps? Is the role all about consensus building in Tynwald? Perhaps it’s all of these things and more? Certainly the debate which preceded the Keys “no confidence vote” this week covered all of these possibilities and more. There was some quite profound discussion and erudite thinking in the House of Keys which ultimately saw the Chief Minister comfortably survive the vote. On Perspective we consider some of the points made and what, if any, lessons have been learned? A storm in a tea cup...
So much to talk about on Perspective this week. Some Tynwald leftovers - whistle blowing and a Manx framework for awarding degrees, the fallout from Lawrie Hooper’s resignation, a new chief minister candidate explains why he’s putting his name forward, energy policy, Crogga and a suggested half billion raid on our NI fund. Julie Edge and Chris Thomas give their views on all of the above and ask the Chief Minister to step down rather than facing a no confidence vote. Do you think we need a new name on the Chief Minister’s door or is political stability and getting on with the job more import...
October Tynwald proved to be a much more lively affair that we had expected. As he resigned his Health Minister role, Ramsey MHK Lawrie Hooper accused the Chief Minister of undermining Manx Care and wishing to privatise health services, and repeated his assertion that Health is underfunded not over budget. The Chief Minister responded by robustly denying that he or CoMin plan to privatise health and releasing a damning report into the financial governance of Manx Care which hadn’t been shared with government prior to the former Minister’s departure. A bit early for bonfire night but expect ...
Tynwald returns from its summer recess next week so what does the Order Paper tell us about what the Government has been up to since July? You might expect members to be keen to debate the Manx Care overspend but there are just a few questions and one motion on health and perhaps surprisingly no statement from the Health Minister. Maybe the Chief Minister will reveal more in his autumn statement? MHKs Claire Christian and Rob Callister pick over the relatively small number of motions on Perspective. We’ll not be just going through the motions on this week’s show.
We’ve heard a lot from Ministers over the past few weeks about their plans and progress in getting to grips with the big issues facing the Isle of Man, so on Perspective this week we invite three private sector leaders to mark government’s card. Economist John Webster, Farmers Union official Sarah Comish and Carl Joughin from the licenced victuallers association consider what we’ve learned from the recent Government Conference and discuss how well supported businesses feel. Will government get a gold star or see me after the lesson.
The third Isle of Man Government Conference took place last week and while the event was light on big announcements it was certainly informative to those who attended. Perspective this week talks to some of the speakers from the second day of the conference. Want to know more about the man tasked with delivering over 10 million pounds of savings? Wondering why the treasury Minister was relatively low key in his speech? Interested to know why we’re suddenly more focussed on security? Well Perspective has all the answers. And is the Chief Minister steadying the ship or rocking the boat?
The third Isle of Man Government Conference took place earlier this week and it gave us all the opportunity to question Ministers, senior civil servants and businesses leaders. The Conference focussed on the economy and there were some very informative sessions but the political background to these discussions was the sharp rebuke issued to Manx Care by the Chief Minister for unacceptable health overspends. There was little clarity given as to how this issue will be addressed and no opportunity to find out about Manx Care’s success in driving down waiting lists and improving services. Air a...
Education, Health and Housing will not be on the agenda at this week’s Government Conference. The Chief Minister tells Perspective why not as well as explaining why people should attend the Conference. Chris Thomas ponders the value of three years worth of government strategies and policies and offers some suggestions to deliver success. Isle of Man Government is facing some serious financial challenges but do Ministers have the resolve to address them?
The Liberal Vannin party held it’s AGM a few weeks ago and agreed that Government should be more transparent on procurement. They also asked for the proposed new government levy to be progressive and include a tax on capital or wealth. Meanwhile Liberal Vannin founder and long standing former Onchan MHK Peter Karran has renewed his call for new measures to alleviate the housing crisis. Some politically bold suggestions from Liberal Vannin which could cause a ripple of anxiety among the Island’s wealthiest residents, but is it just talk or will the Party deliver some meaningful change?
Fear of mass immigration has fuelled unrest and political change across Europe and the solution usually offered is bigger walls or stronger borders. Less attention seems to be paid to what is driving this mass migration and what might encourage migrants to stay in their home countries. Former Chief Constable, Gary Roberts, has taken up a new role as Executive Director of the Small Countries Financial Management Centre and he talks to Perspective about how his Centre is empowering people to bring opportunity to their small countries. A message of hope in this troubled world?
Three years ago Keys candidates were expressing concern and committing to resolving what was popularly believed to be a housing crisis. Government’s flagship solution to the lack of funds to deliver high quality comprehensive public services is to grow the economically active part of the population so generating more tax income. To do that we need more houses for this wave of new residents to live in but three years in to this House of Keys’ term of office has much actually changed? If only every report, investigation, recommendation and strategy was a new house .... !
Former Douglas East MHK Chris Robertshaw has been called a lot of things over his time in business and politics but ’shrinking violet’ was never one of them. Chris has lots to say about the current state of Manx politics and the biggest challenge is how we’ll fit it all in on this week’s Perspective. How many of Chris’s catch phrases will we get? I expect “Smaller smarter government”, “single legal entity” and the old favourite “silo mentality” are all likely to make an appearance, but will any of this find receptive ears in Tynwald?Regardless, expect a political blast from the former Minis...
Ørsted want to build a 1.4 gigawatt wind farm six nautical miles off the north east coast of the Isle of Man. Up to 100 turbines are proposed and these could be as high as 389 metres above low tides. So what’s in it for us? Sea bed rental income, tax on the energy production, a community fund and potentially cheaper electricity are all mentioned but will all this be delivered? And what about the environment? Does the potential benefit in developing green energy outweigh the inevitable damage to marine habitats and views from the shore? Yes it’s Gawne with the Wind on this week’s show!
July Tynwald saw several debates about housing and development with reassurances given about “lots of work going on behind the scenes”. An entertaining exchange saw the Housing Minister attempting to woo Jason Moorhouse but he was playing hard to get. We also hear from the Home Affairs Minister about the cost of the new sexual assault referral centre and emergency planning. Can our elected members really achieve more by asking an occasional question or moving a Tynwald motion than they could by getting there sleeves rolled up at the decision making coal face of a department? I mean …… Reall...