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Manx Newscast

The incredible legacy of Lucas Martin

15 minutes | Thursday, 5 October 2023

Island resident Lucas Martin was just 21 when he died suddenly in September after contracting meningitis.

His family has launched a website,, which tells readers a bit more about Lucas, and has links to charities including Meningitis Now, and Organ Donation IOM.

Lucas was a donor with his organs going on to help people across the UK.

The family are ultimately going to set up a charity in Lucas' name, to help young people across the Isle of Man.

They're asking people to "give it LOADS" in his memory - to move through life with more Love, Optimism, Ambition, Determination and Selflessness - saying that's how Lucas conducted himself through his 21 years.

The incredible legacy of Lucas Martin
Manx Newscast

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