25 minutes | Thursday, 3 November 2022
From the official opening of the Museum 100 exhibition, eighth Manx Bard, Michael Manning, gives his poem about the Manx Museum, and HE Lieutenant-Governor, Sir John Lorimer, gives an overview of his predecessors' involvement in promoting the Manx Museum, culminating in its opening in its current iconic building in Douglas on 2nd November 1922.
Charlotte Jane Henry took us through the etching process in Shiaght Laa some time ago, using nitric acid and zinc sheets. Throughout November she has an exhibition at Studio 42 in Port St Mary, not only of etchings, but also of some of her paintings. Her 2023 Etchings calendar is also available. The exhibition also includes pieces by Shane Lucas.
Yn Greinneyder, Ruth Keggin Gell, tells us of the Cooish Manx Language Festival, running through to Sunday 6th November.