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Shiaght Laa

Shiaght Laa 17th September 2020

25 minutes | Thursday, 17 September 2020

Maralyn Crellin introduces a celebration of the birth of Mona Douglas on 18th September 1898.

We dip into the Manx Radio archives to hear something about Mona from Annie Kissack, who was a member of Aeglagh Vannin and later a friend of Mona, and who was greatly inspired by her.

We hear, too, from Derek Winterbottom, author of 'Sophia Morrison, Mona Douglas & their Enchanted Isle' in which he emphasises Mona's importance.

We also hear from Mona herself, singing excerpts from some songs in Manx and taking part in a radio phone in programme hosted by David Callister in which she recalls the history of charms and other forms of folk medicine. 

Shiaght Laa 17th September 2020
Shiaght Laa

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