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Perspective 8.12.24 - a new Minister, the quiet voice in the Keys and is it time to bin Net Zero?

51 minutes | Sunday, 8 December 2024

December Tynwald is shaping up to be a slightly less verbose affair than its November neighbour with just three main government motions on the Order Paper but one or two meaty motions tabled by back benchers. In one of those Stu Peters stands like King Canute against the Net Zero tide. Stu explains why on Perspective. New DoI Minister Michelle Haywood tells us about her Department plan and we also hear from Douglas Central MHK Ann Corlett. She doesn’t say a lot in Keys and Tynwald but she subscribes to the view that actions speak louder than words. Some pre Christmas crackers on this week’s show.

Perspective 8.12.24 - a new Minister, the quiet voice in the Keys and is it time to bin Net Zero?

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