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Perspective 4.6.23 - the incredibly heroic but tragic story of the Isle of Man Steam Packet vessel Mona’s Queen 3.

51 minutes | Thursday, 1 June 2023

On 29th May 1940 the Isle of Man Steam Packet vessel Mona’s Queen 3 was sunk by an enemy mine while attempting a second evacuation of soldiers from Dunkirk. Eighty three years later the story of the vessel and her crew is still remembered in Port St Mary and on Perspective this week we find out why. Why was the heroic endeavour of so many Manxmen not suitably recognised at the time? What drove the Steam Packet crews to such incredible bravery? This incredibly heroic but tragic story is certainly worth listening to.

Perspective 4.6.23 - the incredibly heroic but tragic story of the Isle of Man Steam Packet vessel Mona’s Queen 3.

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