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Perspective 28.7.24 - is Manx agricultural in terminal decline or is there hope for the Manx food sector?

51 minutes | Sunday, 28 July 2024

Despite food prices having been higher in recent years Manx agriculture continues to face significant challenges. Closures of Ramsey Bakery and Shoprite have impacted on Manx food sales in the Isle of Man, the meat plant continues to face significant problems and recently the Department of Infrastructure has imposed huge increases in charges to remove fallen stock from Manx farms. On Perspective we take a trip to the Southern Agricultural Show to talk to the Manx National Farmers Union and the Department of Food and Agriculture about the current state of Manx farming and the prospects for the future.

Perspective 28.7.24 - is Manx agricultural in terminal decline or is there hope for the Manx food sector?

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