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Perspective 14.8.22 - sifting through a rich vein of archaeology at the burial mound at Berk, Kirk Michael.

50 minutes | Sunday, 14 August 2022

On Perspective this week we’re trying a different take on digging up the past. Rather than political muck raking we’re sifting through a rich vein of archaeology. Over the past four years Dr Rachel Crellin has been leading a team which has been uncovering fascinating historical artifacts from a burial mound at Berk just South of Kirk Michael. There’s still a lot of post dig material to investigate but already some exciting new discoveries have been made. Why does all this matter? Do you think more government funds should be invested in this or are these old pots and bones better left in the ground?

Perspective 14.8.22 - sifting through a rich vein of archaeology at the burial mound at Berk, Kirk Michael.

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