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Arbory Brownies learn Jiu-Jitsu - just like the Sufragettes!

6 minutes | Thursday, 14 June 2018

Apparently, the Sufragettes learned jiu-jitsu in order to protect themselves during the sometimes violent clashes with police when fighting for their rights - who knew?! To celebrate the UK's 100 year anniversary of some women getting the vote (something which the Isle of Man actually achieved in 1881, 36 years previously - not that we're boasting...), Arbory Brownies decided to get a taster of the Brazilian martial art as part of gaining their Sufragette badge. Christy DeHaven went to Arbory Primary School where Coach Conrad Roberts and his assistant Lucy Southward from Gracie Barra Isle of Man were teaching the troop some defensive moves...

Arbory Brownies learn Jiu-Jitsu - just like the Sufragettes!
Women Today

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