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Agenda 30.1.23 - Paul Craine MLC explains why he thinks he'd be a good choice for MLC for the next 5 years.

25 minutes | Sunday, 29 January 2023

There's an election to the Legislative Council coming soon and Paul Craine MLC is looking for votes.  Is the role of the Council changing, what are Keys members looking for and how do they decide. Mr Craine was elected in November 21, shortly after the general election and has certainly been vocal since then. So what does he want to achieve and what can he offer? Is Mr Craine doing a good job and worth a further 5 years in LegCo, is it time for fresh faces, or do you think it doesn’t matter who gets in as they’re only in it for themselves?


Agenda 30.1.23 - Paul Craine MLC explains why he thinks he'd be a good choice for MLC for the next 5 years.

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