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Abbyr Shen Reesht - Say That Again

Abbyr Shen Reesht - Say That Again 6th July 2020

16 minutes | Monday, 6 July 2020

Chammah's 'Goll as Gaccan' as 'Claare ny Gael' fastyr/fastyr beg Jedoonee, ta caa dooin clashtyn meeryn 'sy Ghaelg va jannoo seose ayrn jeh'n charmaneys er Cronk Keeill Eoin moghrey Jelune.

As well as 'Goll as Gaccan' and 'Claare ny Gael' on Sunday afternoon/evening, we have an opportunity to hear pieces of Manx that made up part of the ceremony on Tynwald Hill on Monday morning.

Abbyr Shen Reesht - Say That Again 6th July 2020
Abbyr Shen Reesht - Say That Again

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