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Abbyr Shen Reesht - Say That Again

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Abbyr Shen Reesht - Say That Again 30th November 2020


43 minutes | Monday, 30 November 2020
Ta shin goaill toshiaght liorish cur doolane fo nyn inchyn lesh daa eysht jeig reesht ayns 'Jamys Jeheiney' marish Jamys Kinry. Ayns 'Goll as Gaccan' ta Phil Gawne jannoo lessoon ass lioar Edmund Goodwin, Lessoonyn Toshee 'sy Ghaelg, mychione yn art neu-hoilshaghey as yn art soilshaghey, as eisht t'eh ginsh dooin skeeal ghiare liorish Colin y Jerry. She eear ven ynsee Americanagh, Theresa Cecilia Newbill, ren screeu y skeeal ain ayns 'Claare ny Gael', as 'sy chyndaays shoh t'ee enmyssit Cabbil Vaney. Ta shin er jeet gys yn art s'jerree jeant ec Radio Vunscoill 'syn Ouyr, as she paart dy ait...
47 minutes | Monday, 23 November 2020
Ta Jamys Kinry cur doolane foin reesht lesh daa eysht jeig ayns 'Jamys Jeheiney'.  Ayns 'Goll as Gaccan' ta Phil Gawne cur cooidjagh breearyn as pro-enmyn ass lioar Edmund Goodwin, Lessoonyn Toshee 'sy Ghaelg.  Er-yn-oyr nagh vel chyndaays jeh skeeal liorish Sherwood Anderson liauyr dy liooar dy lhieeney 'Claare ny Gael', ta shin clashtyn chyndaays 'sy Ghaelg jeh skeealyn falleayssagh neesht liorish Bruce Gunther, Pamela Kennedy, I M Cameron as Noriko Jayasekera.  Ta art elley jeant ec studeyryn y Vunscoill Ghaelgagh ry chlashtyn ayns 'Traa dy Liooar', chammah's meer elley jeh Pargys Cai...
49 minutes | Monday, 16 November 2020
Dy yannoo caghlaa, ta shin goll ergooyl trooid ny claareyn y cheayrt shoh.  Ayns 'Traa dy Liooar' ta shin clashtyn studeyryn y Vunscoill Ghaelgagh ginsh dooin mychione loayrt 'sy Ghaelg, as meer elley jeh Pargys Caillt 'sy recortys liorish Juan y Geill. Cha row un skeeal ain, agh hoght skeealyn falleayssagh ayns 'Claare ny Gael'. Gyn veg er-lheh 'sy Ghaelg ayns 'Goll as Gaccan', ta shin goll dy jeeragh gys 'Jamys Jeheiney', as ta daa ghoaldagh marish Jamys Kinry 'sy teyrlann y cheayrt shoh.   To make a change, we're going backwards through the programmes this time.  In 'Traa dy Liooar' ...
38 minutes | Monday, 9 November 2020
Va daa whestion jeig elley er-nyn-son ayns 'Jamys Jeheiney', as Jamys Kinry cur orrin dredjal magh meeryn follit dy dowin ayns nyn inchyn reesht. Ta Phil Gawne jannoo ymmyd jeh Lessoonyn Toshee 'sy Ghaelg liorish Edmund Goodwin (aa-reaghit ec Robert Thomson) ayns 'Goll as Gaccan', agh dy feer, s'goan ta shin er n'ghoaill toshiaght foast. Ta chyndaays jeh skeeal liorish Americanagh, Samuel Barnhart, ayns 'Claare ny Gael', as yn sheiltynys echey jeh fer ynsee tammyltagh goll roish brastyl yn chied cheayrt. Ta'n skeeal shoh enmyssit Dagh Laa Myr Caggey. Ayns 'Traa dy Liooar' ta cloie lioris...
39 minutes | Monday, 2 November 2020
Ayns 'Jamys Jeheiney' ta daa eysht jeig er-nyn-son, as caa da Jamys Kinry loayrt mychione cooishyn jeh dy chooilley horch.  Gyn veg noa ayns 'Goll as Gaccan', lhig dooin goll er oai beggan, as ta shin clashtyn satire ayns chyndaays 'sy Ghaelg son 'Claare ny Gael' jeh red ennagh scruit hoshiaght 'sy Vaarle ec Americanagh enmyssit Elizabeth Eve - E E - King, Yn Chlaare Choloayrtyssagh.  Ayns 'Traa dy Liooar' ta art mychione cabbil jeant ec studeyryn y Vunscoill Ghaelgagh son Radio Vunscoill, as ny s'anmee ta shin clashtyn meer elley jeh Pargys Caillt 'sy recortys jeant daeed blein er dy hen...
39 minutes | Monday, 26 October 2020
Ayns 'Shiaght Laa' s'jerree y straih shoh, ta Fiona McArdle loayrt mychione Illiam Dhone as y Ven-Eearley Derby, as mychione seshoonyn Bree stiurit ec Culture Vannin. Ta Jamys Kinry cur daa eysht jeig elley orrin ayns 'Jamys Jeheiney'. Ta shin clashtyn fockleyn Robert Mac Homysh ayns 'Goll as Gaccan', as yn imnea echey mychione lhiasaghey Lessoonyn Toshee 'sy Ghaelg liorish Edmund Goodwin. Lurg shen ta Phil Gawne as Simon Clarke goaill ayrn ayns lessoon. Ta'n skeeal scaanjoonagh ain ayns 'Claare ny Gael' liorish Americanagh ta gobbraghey da Olloo-Scoill Ghlascoe, Alexandra Grunberg, as t'ee...
47 minutes | Monday, 19 October 2020
Ayns 'Shiaght Laa' ta shin jeeaghyn er y haiku, er saase noa jeant ec Culture Vannin dy chooney lesh kiaulleyderyn jannoo aarloo son seshoonyn as cloie son daunseyn, as ta shin goll gys Keeill Luke, as Laa Noo Luke goll er feaillaghey 18oo Jerrey Fouyir.  Ta daa eysht jeig er-nyn-son reesht ayns 'Jamys Jeheiney', as Jamys Kinry reaghey kiare rheynnyn : three questionyn mychione turtleyn/tortoiseyn ; three mychione Jeff/Gef : three er Maidjyn ; as three mychione Assylyn. Ta paitchyn y Vunscoill Ghaelgagh jannoo veeryn son Radio Vunscoill. Ta fer jeu ry chlashtyn ayns 'Goll as Gaccan', rois...
45 minutes | Tuesday, 13 October 2020
Ta Maralyn Crellin chebbal 'Shiaght Laa' lesh fys mychione Undinys Eiraght Vannin, myr v'eh, as mychione Undinys Reeoil ny Baatyn Sauaillagh neesht, as ta red ennagh neesht mychione Culture Vannin as ny seshoonyn Bree. Ayns 'Jamys Jeheiney', ta Jamys Kinry cur daa eysht jeig reesht - lesh cubbyl dy reddyn dy yannoo ad eer ny s'doillee. Cha nel veg ass 'Goll as Gaccan' ayns shoh, myr shoh ta shin goll er oai gys 'Claare ny Gael', lesh y chiarroo ayrn, yn ayrn s'jerree, jeh chyndaays jeh skeeal enmyssit Scapail! liorish Americanagh, Mike Scofield. As fy yerrey, ta Juan y Geill lhaih magh duil...
43 minutes | Monday, 5 October 2020
Ta Fiona McArdle loayrt mychione yn Arrymagh John Quine hoshiaght, as eisht mychione Godred Crovan 'sy chlaare, 'Shiaght Laa'. Ta Jamys Kinry cur daa eysht jeig orrin reesht er kiare cooishyn ayns 'Jamys Jeheiney'. Ayns 'Goll as Gaccan', ta Phil Gawne loayrt rish Owen Williams, as t'eh cur feysht ersyn 'sy Ghaelg. She'n nah ayrn jeh skeeal t'ain ayns 'Claare ny Gael', myr shoh ta resume beg ec y toshiaght. Skeeal ee enmyssit 'Scapail!' as t'eh bentyn rish app ruegyssagh son shooyleeyn as co-earrooderyn. As y cheayrt shoh, ta shin abyl dy chlashtyn meer elley jeh Juan y Geill lhaih magh paar...
41 minutes | Monday, 28 September 2020
Ayns 'Shiaght Laa' ta paart dy ys ry gheddyn mychione James Kewley Ward (1819-1910) as yn Arrymagh John Quine (1857-1940). Ta daa eysht yeig er-nyn-son reesht ayns Jamys Jeheiney, lesh Jamys Kinry jeeaghyn er kiare cooishyn - craueyn; dirigibleyn; jesheenyn; as tombagey. Ta keayrtagh er-lheh ayns 'Goll as Gaccan', as ta Rob Teare ginsh dooin shenn raaghyn 'sy Ghaelg - agh ta shin clashtyn daa ockle ass Phil Gawne ec yn jerrey jeh. Ta shin clashtyn yn chied ayrn jeh skeeal ayns chyndaays 'sy Ghaelg son 'Claare ny Gael'. T'ee enmyssit 'Scapail!', as v'ee scruit hoshiaght 'sy Vaarle ec America...
46 minutes | Monday, 21 September 2020
Ta Maralyn Crellin chebbal 'Shiaght Laa' as chammah's ish ta shin clashtyn meeryn jeh Mona Inney Ghoolish goaill arrane. Ta quiz elley er-nyn-son, lesh daa eysht yeig currit liorish Jamys Kinry ayns 'Jamys Jeheiney'. Ta Phil Gawne ginsh dooin mychione traa ceaut ayns boayl elley 'sy lessoon echey ayns 'Goll as Gaccan', as ta skeeal ghiare er-nyn-son neesht. Ta'n skeeal ain ayns 'Claare ny Gael' giare neesht, as foddee nagh vel ee dy feer ny skeeal, agh she chyndaays eh jeh red ennagh scruit 'sy Vaarle liorish John Heggelund - ny vel? Roish shen, ta shin clashtyn mychione chyndaayssyn elley ...
43 minutes | Tuesday, 15 September 2020
Ayns 'Shiaght Laa' ta Fiona McArdle loayrt mychione Brian Mac Stoyll, as mychione yn aght ta sleih jeeaghyn er Mann ny keayrtyn. S'aighoil eh dy row Jamys Kinry ayns shen dy hebbal 'Jamys Jeheiney', lesh daa eysht yeig er-nyn-son reesht. Ayns 'Goll as Gaccan' ta shenn recortyssyn ry chlashtyn jeh Ned Maddrell. Ta'n skeeal ain ayns 'Claare ny Gael' mychione shaner as yn oe echey ayns seihll as traa as ta sleih scarrit veih najoor. As shenn recortys elley, ta Juan y Geill lhaih magh yn chied ayrn jeh'n daan hene, Pargys Caillt, ayns 'Traa dy Liooar' In 'Shiaght Laa' fiona McArdle talks abou...
38 minutes | Monday, 7 September 2020
Ayns 'Shiaght Laa' ta shin feddyn magh bit beg mychione W W Gill as ta cooinaghtyn ayn mychione jerrey yn tourey. Ta Jamys Kinry jannoo prowalys jeh gamman elley ayns 'Jamys Jeheiney', cur enn er recortyssyn liorish clashtyn veg agh y toshiaght jeu. Ta lessoon beg jeant ec Phil Gawne ayns 'Goll as Gaccan'. Eisht, fakin dy row eh 6oo Mean Fouyir va'n laa ruggyr Brian Mac Stoyll 'sy vlein 1936, t'eh lhaih magh paart jeh lioar Brian, 'Gaelg as Fishig : Skeeal my Vea', as eisht ta shin clashtyn recortys jeh Brian hene. Ta'n skeeal ain ayns 'Claare ny Gael' mychione ben as yn ard-vian eck dy phe...
46 minutes | Monday, 31 August 2020
She Maralyn Crellin ren chebbal 'Shiaght Laa', as t'ee loayrt mychione Crosh Skeerey Vaghal, yn un chrosh skeerey t'er mayrn nish,  as mychione Noo Moirrey. Ayns 'Jamys Jeheiney' ta Jamys Kinry er naarlaghey 'Feer ny Foalsey' reesht. Ta shin clashtyn recortys jeh Ned Maddrell 'sy lessoon jeant ec Phil Gawne son 'Goll as Gaccan', as lurg shen ta shin clashtyn skeeal ghiare. Va'n skeeal ain ayns 'Claare ny Gael' scruit hoshiaght 'sy Vaarle ec Belgagh ta loayrt yn Ollanish, Frank Roger, as chyndaait 'sy Ghaelg son y chlaare. Fy yerrey, ass 'Traa dy Liooar', ta shin clashtyn recortys jeant daee...
48 minutes | Monday, 24 August 2020
Ta 'Shiaght Laa' er n'ghoaill toshiaght reesht, as 'sy chied chlaare a Fiona McArdle loayrt mychione y Voidyn Moirrey, ta ry gheddyn neesht 'sy Quran fo'n ennym Maryam, as mychione croshyn cloaie ny mean-eashyn. Ta Jamys Kinry chebbal clink noa er shenn ghamman ayns 'Jamys Jeheiney'. Chammah's lessoon er-nyn-son ayns 'Goll as Gaccan', ta Phil Gawne ginsh dooin skeeal ghiare aitt scruit ec Colin y Jerry. She ben Americanagh, Flora Galena, ren screeu y skeeal ta ry chlashtyn ayns chyndaays 'sy Ghaelg ayns 'Claare ny Gael'. Dy yannoo caghlaa, ta shin clashtyn meer ass 'Traa dy Liooar' neesht, ...
14 minutes | Sunday, 16 August 2020
Ayns Goll as Gaccan, va Phil Gawne ceau y fastyr jeeaghyn er spoyrt jeshaght er y chellveeish, as t'eh ginsh dooin mychione shen. Va sheiltynys sheansagh ain ayns Claare ny Gael, lesh skeeal ooilley mychione smookal. Cha row Jamys Jeheiney er ny scaalheaney y cheayrt shoh, myr shoh cha row quiss er tushtey cadjin er-nyn-son y chiaghtin shoh. In Goll as Gaccan, Phil Gawne was spending the afternoon watching motor sport on the television, and he tells us about that. We had a science fantasy in Claare ny Gael, with a story all about smoking. Jamys Jeheiney wasn't broadcast this time, so there...
40 minutes | Sunday, 9 August 2020
Ta prowalys jeh'n tushtey cadjin ain reesht ayns Jamys Jeheiney choud's ta Jamys cur daa eysht jeig orrin. Ta shin feddyn magh cre'n sorch dy laa t'ayn ayns Goll as Gaccan, as ta Phil Gawne loayrt mychione ny fod mayd jannoo dy cheau yn traa ain. As ayns Claare ny Gael ta skeeal s'lhiurey ain reesht, chyndaays 'sy Ghaelg jeh skeeal scruit hoshiaght 'sy Vaarle mychione ooylyn - as mychione ben shee ta cur-lesh bartyn jeu. There's a test of our general knowledge again in Jamys Jeheiney whilst Jamys presents us with twelve questions. We find out what sort of day it is in Goll as Gaccan, and P...
52 minutes | Sunday, 2 August 2020
Ta quiz tushtey cadjin elley ain lesh 12 eysht jeant ec Jamys Kinry ayns Jamys Jeheiney. Ayns Goll as Gaccan ta Phil Gawne loayrt mychione yn emshyr - emshyr vie, myr t'ee, son y chooid smoo. Ayns Claare ny Gael ta'n trass ayrn jeh Mollyndroat ry chlashtyn, scruit ec Aalin Clague as Annie Kissack as jeant ec y Vunscoill Ghaelgagh fo ghlass. As ta queig skeealyn falleaysagh ain reesht. We have another general knowledge quiz with 12 questions done by James Harrison in Jamys Jeheiney. In Goll as Gaccan Phil Gawne talks about the weather - good weather, as it is, for the most part. In Claare n...
1 hour 7 minutes | Monday, 27 July 2020
Beggan ny smoo er-nyn-son y cheayrt shoh. Ta Jamys Kinry cur feyshtyn er cooish jeh dy chooilley horch orrin ayns Jamys Jeheiney. Ayns Goll as Gaccan, chammah's lessoon liorish Phil Gawne, ta Adrian Cain lhaih magh paart jeh'n chyndaays echey ass 'Jeelane Tootagh'. Ta'n nah ayrn jeh 'Mollyndroat' ry chlashtyn ayns Claare ny Gael, as queig skeealyn falleayssagh neesht. As, dy yannoo caghlaa, ta shin clashtyn meeryn ass Traa dy Liooar. Ta Julie Matthews as Annie Kissack ry chlashtyn, chammah's Adrian Cain ginsh dooin tooilley mychione 'Jeelane Tootagh'. A little more for us this time. Jame...
54 minutes | Sunday, 19 July 2020
Ta Jamys Jeiheiney ayn reesht, agh ga dy vel shin clashtyn three skeealyn, cha nel ansoor ry gheddyn da 'Feer ny Foalsey' y cheayrt shoh. Ta Goll as Gaccan goaill stiagh lessoon as skeeal liorish Colin y Jerree, as ayns Claare ny Gael ta'n chied ayrn jeh 'Mollyndroat' liorish y Vunscoill Ghaelgagh fo ghlass, chammah's queig skeeallyn giarey. Jamys Jeheiney is on again, but although we hear three stories, the answer is not to be had to 'Feer ny Foalsey' this time. Goll as Gaccan includes a lesson and a story by Colin Jerry, and in Claare ny Gael there's the first part of 'Mollyndroat' by ...
13 minutes | Sunday, 12 July 2020
Ayns Goll as Gaccan ta Phil Gawne leeideil shin mygeayrt y gharey mess dy jeeaghyn er ny troaryn t'ayn - as paart elley nagh vel. Ny s'anmee ta shin clashtyn paart jeh skeeal ass Skeealaght liorish Colin y Jerry. Ayns Claare ny Gael ta'n skeeal ain mychione roddan va ny immanagh couch son Caillin ny Leoie, as cre haghyr lurg shen. In Goll as Gaccan Phil Gawne leads us round the fruit garden to look at the crops in it - and some others that aren't. Later we hear part of a story from Skeealaght by Colin Jerry. In Claare ny Gael our story is about a longtail who was the coach driver for Cin...
16 minutes | Monday, 6 July 2020
Chammah's 'Goll as Gaccan' as 'Claare ny Gael' fastyr/fastyr beg Jedoonee, ta caa dooin clashtyn meeryn 'sy Ghaelg va jannoo seose ayrn jeh'n charmaneys er Cronk Keeill Eoin moghrey Jelune. As well as 'Goll as Gaccan' and 'Claare ny Gael' on Sunday afternoon/evening, we have an opportunity to hear pieces of Manx that made up part of the ceremony on Tynwald Hill on Monday morning.
13 minutes | Sunday, 28 June 2020
Ta Phil Gawne jannoo ard-eailley jeh Laa Colum Killey ayns 'Goll as Gaccan', as ayns 'Claare ny Gael' ta skeeal ain mychione Vanessa. Quoi ish, as cre'n sorch dy heshey t'ee 'sy cochianglys shoh? Phil Gawne celebrates Laa Colum Killey in 'Goll as Gaccan', and in 'Claare ny Gael' our story is about Vanessa. Who is she, and what sort of company is she in this relationship?
13 minutes | Sunday, 21 June 2020
Ta Phil Gawne cur-lesh shin er straih dy hurryssyn gys cheeraghyn elley ayns 'Goll as Gaccan' as t'eh goaill taitnys jeh la dolce vita 'sy Raue. Ayns 'Claare ny Gael' ta shin goll keayrt elley gys Thalloo y Ven-Rein son skeeal mychione Shenn Chass Vaidjey. Phil Gawne takes us on a series of trips to other countries in 'Goll as Gaccan' and enjoys la dolce vita in Rome. In 'Claare ny Gael' we go once again to Queensland for a story about Old Peg Leg.
16 minutes | Sunday, 14 June 2020
Ayns 'Goll as Gaccan', ta Phil Gawne cur-lesh shin dy happal, roish my vel eh ginsh dooin ny va scruit ec Bernard Caine 'sy Roie-Raa da 'Skeealaght', y lioar dy skeealyn giarey 'sy Ghaelg liorish kiare ughtaryn, clouit ec Yn Cheshaght Ghailckagh 'sy vlein 1976. Fy yerrey, ta shin clashtyn skeeal ghiare elley liorish Lewis Crellin. Ayns 'Claare ny Gael', ta shin goll gys Steatyn Unnaneysit yn Americk reesht son skeeal mychione daa charrey ta geearree cur skeet dy liooar da cummaltee balley beg dree ayns Florida.
13 minutes | Sunday, 7 June 2020
A story by Lewis Crellin, re-told by Phil Gawne in Goll as Gaccan, and from Claare ny Gael, another story from Australia, this time about that very important thing, the dunny. Skeeal liorish Lewis Crellin, er ny aa-insh ec Phil Gawne ayns Goll as Gaccan, as woish Claare ny Gael, skeeal elley woish yn Australia, y cheayrt shoh mychione y red feer scanshoil shen, y thie veg.
14 minutes | Sunday, 31 May 2020
A look back at a week of Manx Gaelic programmes. Breakfast with Phil Gawne and hear about the hens with little sandals which he tells in 'Goll as Gaccan'; whilst 'Claare ny Gael' brings a story from an Australian writer about a young girl and a love potion from her grandmother.
15 minutes | Sunday, 24 May 2020
A look back at a week of Manx Gaelic programmes, with extracts from Goll as Gaccan and Claare ny Gael.
15 minutes | Sunday, 17 May 2020
A look back at a week in Manx.
13 minutes | Sunday, 10 May 2020
A look back at a week of Manx Gaelic programmes.
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Abbyr Shen Reesht - Say That Again 30th November 2020
Abbyr Shen Reesht - Say That Again

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