She Fiona McArdle ta chebbal 'Shiaght Laa' er-nyn-son, claare vees goll er skeayley-magh fastyr Jerdein, as eisht ta shin clashtyn cooishyn haink Daniel Quayle er 'sy chlaare echey, 'Kiaull as Cooish', fastyr Jeheiney - agh gyn kiaull erbee. Lurg shen ta shin lheimmey er nyn doshiaght gys fastyr Jedoonee as 'Goll as Gaccan' marish Phil Gawne, as aynjee ta shin clashtyn meeryn 'sy Ghaelg ass docmad politickagh. As myr shoh gys fastyr beg yn Doonee, as 'Claare ny Gael', lesh episode elley ass Dracula liorish Bram Stoker.
Rish tammylt va ny noteyn shoh liauyr dy liooar er yn oyr dy row transcript jannoo seose ayrn jeu, agh t'eh er jeet magh dy vel shen ro liauyr, myr shoh cha nel shoh agh dy insh diu dy vel shin clashtyn:-cooinaghtyn jeh laa dy row ayns Nerin ass y chlaare, 'Shiaght Laa';cooishyn Daniel Quayle (agh gyn kiaull) choud's t'eh chebbal 'Kiaull as Cooish;Phil Gawne as skeeal ghiare hooar eh veih Ian Cottier, as va ry chlashtyn ayns 'Goll as Gaccan';as episode elley ass chyndaays 'sy Ghaelg jeh Dracula liorish Bram Stoker, as meeryn ry chlashtyn ayns 'Claare ny Gael'.
Shoh diu y podcast, Abbyr Shen Reesht, lesh meeryn 'sy Ghaelg ass kuse dy chlaareyn Radio Vannin er yn chiaghtin shoh chaie. Ta shin goaill toshiaght lesh 'Shiaght Laa', as she Fiona McArdle va chebbal y chlaare shen.SHIAGHT LAAFiona McArdle as 'Shiaght Laa', vees ry chlashtyn fastyr Jerdein ec 5.30pm.Ta 'Kiaull as Cooish' ny claare vees goll er jannoo eddyr yn BBC as Radio Vannin, as she Daniel Quayle ta dy chebbal. Shoh dooin Daniel as ny cooishyn v'echey 'sy chlaare, agh gyn kiaull erbee.KIAULL AS COOISH'Kiaull as Cooish' marish Daniel Quayle. Va David Kinley marish Phil Gawne ayns 'Goll...
Ta meeryn ass three claare er-nyn-son ayns Abbyr Shen Reesht, lesh yn chied chlaare 'sy strane noa jeh shen ta shin gra ree 'Shiaght Laa', fastyr Jerdein ec 5.30. Myr shoh, lhig dooin goaill toshiaght lesh shen.SHIAGHT LAA'Shiaght Laa', ren goaill toshiaght reesht Jerdein yn 24 Jerrey Fouyir.As nish gys fastyr Jeheiney eddyr 5.00pm as 6.00pm er Radio Vannin AM1368, as claare vees goll er jannoo eddyr yn BBC as Radio Vannin. Shen 'Kiaull as Cooish' marish Daniel Quayle, as veih'n chlaare shen ta shin clashtyn ny vees Daniel dy ghra mychione y chiaull, nagh vel shin clashtyn ayns shoh.KIAULL ...
Shoh diu y podcast, Abbyr Shen Reesht, as y cheayrt shoh ta meeryn ass three claare er-nyn-son, as 'syn aght cadjin ain ta shin goaill toshiaght lesh cooishyn Daniel Quayle ass y chlaare echey, 'Kiaull as Cooish', ga nagh vel caa dooin clashtyn y kiaull ass yn chlaare shen, vees goll er jannoo eddyr yn BBC as Radio Vannin as ta ry chlashtyn fastyr Jeheiney eddyr 5.00pm as 6.00pm er Radio Vannin AM1368.KIAULL AS COOISH'Kiaull as Cooish' marish Daniel Quayle. Va'n Greinneyder, Ruth Keggin Gell, 'sy teyrlann marish Phil Gawne son 'Goll as Gaccan', lesh fys mychione y Chooish, vees jannoo ard-e...
Lhig dooin goaill toshiaght eisht er y phodcast shoh, Abbyr Shen Reesht, aynsyn ta shin clashtyn meeryn 'sy Ghaelg va ry chlashtyn ayns claareyn Radio Vannin er yn chiaghtin shoh chaie, as fastyr Jeheiney eddyr 5.00 pm as 6.00 pm ta shin clashtyn Daniel Quayle as y chlaare echey, 'Kiaull as Cooish', as j'eeish ta shin clashtyn ny va Daniel dy ghra, son y chooid smoo mychione y chiaull 'sy chlaare, agh cha nel shin clashtyn y kiaull hene ayns shoh.KIAULL AS COOISHEr AM1368 fastyr Jeheiney, claare vees goll er jannoo eddyr yn BBC as Radio Vannin, va shen Kiaull as Cooish marish Daniel Quayle....
'Sy phodcast shoh, Abbyr Shen Reesht, nee shiu clashtyn meeryn 'sy Ghaelg va goll er skeayley-magh hoshiaght ayns shiartanse dy chlaareyn Radio Vannin er yn chiaghtin.Ta shin goaill toshiaght lesh ny cooishyn as 'Kiaull as Cooish', claare vees goll er jannoo eddyr yn BBC as Radio Vannin as vees ry chlashtyn eddyr 5.00pm as 6.00pm fastyr Jeheiney er Radio Vannin AM1368. Shoh dooin Daniel Quayle – myr va mee gra, lesh ny cooishyn, agh gyn y chiaull.KIAULL AS COOISHDaniel Quayle as 'Kiaull as Cooish'. Va David Kinley 'sy teyrlann marish Phil Gawne 'sy teyrlann son 'Goll as Gaccan' fastyr Jedoo...
Shoh diu y podcast, Abbyr Shen Reesht, lesh meeryn 'sy Ghaelg ass shiartanse dy chlaareyn Radio Vannin er yn chiaghtin.Fastyr Jeheiney eddyr 5.00pm as 6.00pm va Daniel Quayle chebbal Kiaull as Cooish, as veih'n chlaare shen ta shin clashtyn ny va Daniel dy ghra, son y chooid smoo mychione y chiaull v'ayns y chlaare, ny yeih nagh vel shin clashtyn shen ayns shoh.KIAULL AS COOISHKiaull as Cooish marish Daniel Quayle, vees goll er jannoo eddyr yn BBC as Radio Vannin er y voggyl AM 1368. Ayns 'Goll as Gaccan' fastyr Jedoonee eddyr 4pm as 6pm, va Phil Gawne jannoo ymmyd jeh coloayrtys recortit l...
Lhig dooin goaill toshiaght er y phodcast, Abbyr Shen Reesht, lesh ny cooishyn v'ec Daniel Quayle choud's v'eh chebbal y chlaare echey, 'Kiaull as Cooish', fastyr Jeheiney eddyr 5.00pm as 6.00pm. Ta Kiaull as Cooish goll er jannoo eddyr yn BBC as Radio Vannin er y voggyl AM 1368. KIAULL AS COOISHNy cooishyn ass Kiaull as Cooish marish Daniel Quayle.Marish Phil Gawne 'sy teyrlann son 'Goll as Gaccan' fastyr Jedoonee eddyr 4pm as 6pm va'n Greinneyder, Oaseir ny Gaelgey da Culture Vannin, Ruth Keggin Gell. As lesh arraneyder elley 'sy teyrlann, cha nyrrys dooin dy row arrane goll eddyr Phil as...
Shoh diu y podcast, Abbyr Shen Reesht, as ta shin goaill toshiaght lesh Kiaull as Cooish, as aynjee ta Daniel Quayle chebbal ny neesht jeu, Kiaull as Cooish, agh ayns Abbyr Shen Reesht cha nel shin clashtyn agh ny cooishyn echey.KIAULL AS COOISHKiaull as Cooish, vees goll er chebbal liorish Daniel Quayle fastyr Jeheiney eddyr queig pm as shey pm er y voggyl, AM, Three-Jeig, Sheyad-Hoght, as vees goll er jannoo eddyr yn BBC as Radio Vannin.Va fockleyn as raaghyn giarey ry chlashtyn ayns Goll as Gaccan marish Phil Gawne fastyr Jedoonee eddyr kiare pm as shey pm, agh cha row meer s'lhiurey er ...
Ta shin goaill toshiaght er y phodcast shoh, Abbyr Shen Reesht, lesh ny cooishyn ass claare marish Daniel Quayle, Kiaull as Cooish, vees goll er jannoo fastyr Jeheiney eddyr queig pm as shey pm er Radio Vannin AM Three-Jeig, Sheyad-Hoght.KIAULL AS COOISHDaniel Quayle, as eh chebbal Kiaull as Cooish, as magh assjee cheayll shin ny cooishyn echey.Cha row skeeal ny aa-loayrtys jeh fockleyn jeh drane ny arrane er-nyn-son ayns Goll as Gaccan y cheayrt shoh, fastyr beg Jedoonee eddyr kiare as shey pm.Ayns Claare ny Gael va paart jeh'n skeeal Dracula ain reesht, y lioar ard-ghooagh shen liorish Br...
Lhig dooin goaill toshiaght lesh meeryn ass Kiaull as Cooish, va ry chlashtyn fastyr Jeheiney. Y cheayrt shoh cha row Daniel Quayle ayns shen dy yannoo eh, agh va claare ry chlashtyn, as 'syn aght cadjin ain ta shin clashtyn ny cooishyn agh gyn veg dy chiaull, ny yeih dy vel enmyn y chiaull ry gheddyn heese. KIAULL AS COOISHFastyr mie diu. She'n jeihoo laa as feed, Mee Luanistyn t'ayn jiu, as s'mie lhiam shiuish y oltaghey gys y chlaare shoh, Kiaull as Cooish, er Radio Vannin AM Three-Jeig, Sheyad-Hoght. Claare ee vees goll er jannoo eddyr yn BBC as Radio Vannin. 01 DOWN THE NORTH – Eliza...
Haink Shiaght Laa gys jerrey y strane echey yn shiaghtin shoh chaie, cha row Kiaull as Cooish goll Jeheiney er yn oyr dy row y voggyl AM currit da ny roaryn bree, as cha row meer er-lheh 'sy Ghaelg ayns Goll as Gaccan y cheayrt shoh, myr shoh cha nel veg ain son Abbyr Shen Reesht y cheayrt shoh agh y skeeal ass Claare ny Gael er-nyn-son, shen dy ghra meer elley ass yn chyndaays 'sy Ghaelg jeh Dracula liorish Bram Stoker.Ta'n Olloo Van Helsing er smooinaghtyn er meer ren Jonathan Harker screeu 'sy lioar laa echey mychione y traa echey ayns Cashtal Dracula, tra dinsh yn Count Dracula da mychi...
Lhig dooin goaill toshiaght er y phodcast shoh, Abbyr Shen Reesht, lesh meeryn 'sy Ghaelg ass Shiaght Laa, ry chlashtyn fastyr Jerdein eddyr lieh oor lurg queig as shey pm, as she Maralyn Crellin va chebbal yn chlaare s'jerree 'sy strane shoh j'ee.SHIAGHT LAAArrane (y Ven) VlieaunCur dty vainney, cur dty vainneyChoud's mish ta goaill arrane,Lhig da'n churn nish goll harrishLesh dty vainney, my vooa veen.Mie dty vainney, mie dty vainneyLesh kay son yn eeymJean dty chooidshare dy chur dou palcheyAs yiow uss tooilley oarn.Bannaght Jee nish cur ort's nish,Ayr as Mac as Spyrryd Noo,As Moirrey ba...
Beggan anmagh, gow shiu my leshtal!Shoh diu y podcast, Abbyr Shen Reesht, lesh meeryn 'sy Ghaelg ry chlashtyn ayns kuse dy chlaareyn Radio Vannin er yn chiaghtin. She Fiona McArdle ren chebbal Shiaght Laa fastyr Jerdein ec 5.30 er y chlag.SHIAGHT LAAShiaght Laa, va goll er chebbal ec Fiona McArdle.Va Daniel Quayle chebbal y chlaare echey, Kiaull as Cooish, vees goll er jannoo eddyr yn BBC as Radio Vannin fastyr Jeheiney. 'Syn aght cadjin ain 'sy phodcast shoh, she Cooish as Cooish ta shin dy chlashtyn, gyn ny peeshyn dy chiaull, agh shoh dooin Daniel.KIAULL AS COOISHDaniel Quayle as y chlaa...
Ayns shiartanse dy chlaareyn Radio Vannin er yn chiaghtin va meeryn 'sy Ghaelg ry chlashtyn – well, dy jarroo, ta paart jeh'n Ghaelg ry chlashtyn er Radio Vannin dy mennick as dy reiltagh, agh 'sy phodcast shoh, Abbyr Shen Reesht, ta shin chymsaghey cooidjagh meeryn beggan s'lhiurey.Ta shin goaill toshiaght lesh meeryn ass Shiaght Laa fastyr Jerdein.SHIAGHT LAA Ta shin er chur kione er Yn Chruinnaght Feed Cheead as Kiare as Feed er y gherrid, as son yn eailley shen ta cuirrey currit er sleih dy heet veih cheeraghyn elley dy ghoaill ayrn, liorish cloie kiaull as goaill arrane as daunsin. C...
Shoh diu meeryn 'sy Ghaelg ass claareyn Radio Vannin er y chiaghtin 'sy phodcast shoh, Abbyr Shen Reesht. She Maralyn Crellin ren chebbal Shiaght Laa fastyr Jerdein.SHIAGHT LAAMaralyn Crellin as Shiaght Laa.Va Daniel Quayle goaill ayrn ayns feailley, cloie bit dy chiaull, myr shoh she Owen Williams ren chebbal Kiaull as Cooish fastyr Jeheiney, as magh ass shen fod mayd geaishtagh rish cooishyn Owen, ga nagh vel shin clashtyn y kiaull ass y chlaare.KIAULL AS COOISHKiaull as Cooish, as claare ee vees goll er jannoo eddyr y BBC as Radio Vannin er y voggyl AM, Three-Jeig, Sheyad-Hoght, as y che...
Shoh diu Abbyr Shen Reesht as by vie lhiam shiuish y oltaghey. Lhig dooin goaill toshiaght lesh Shiaght Laa, as yn chied episode ayns straih noa va ry chlashtyn Jerdein shoh chaie.SHIAGHT LAAAgh lhig dooin goll back beggan nish, er y fa dy row sharmaneys scanshoil er ny chummal vees jannoo ard eailley jeh cultoor Vannin as er-lheh jeh'n Ghaelg, myr shoh, ga dy vel eh cheumooie jeh ny shiaght laa ta cur yn ennym da'n chlaare shoh, er yn oyr dy vel shoh yn chied chlaare 'sy straih as nagh row caa dooin cheet er shoh roish nish, er-lhiam dy vel shen mie dy liooar.Moylley as soylley dauesyn ooi...
Ta shin clashtyn episode elley ass yn chyndaays 'sy Ghaelg jeh Dracula liorish Bram Stoker, as shoh ass 'Claare ny Gael'. Ta shin clashtyn neesht y Ghaelg va ry chlashtyn veih Cronk Keeill Eoin yn 5oo Jerrey Souree, Shenn Eaill Eoin, Laa Ashoonagh Vannin.We hear another episode from the translation into Manx of Dracula by Bram Stoker, and that's out of 'Claare ny Gael'. We hear also the Manx that was to be heard from Tynwald Hill on 5th July, St John's Day by the old-style, the Manx National Day.
Cha nel agh daa chlaare er-nyn-son y cheayrt shoh. Hoshiaght ta shin clashtyn Owen Williams choud's t'eh chebbal 'Kiaull as Cooish' as eisht ta shin clashtyn meer elley ass chyndaays 'sy Ghaelg jeh Dracula liorish Bram Stoker, vees ry chlashtyn ayns 'Claare ny Gael'.There are only two programmes for us this time. First we hear Owen Williams as he presents 'Kiaull as Cooish' and then we hear another excerpt from the translation into Manx of Dracula by Bram Stoker, which is to be heard in 'Claare ny Gael'.
Ta Daniel Quayle chebbal 'Kiaull as Cooish' y chlaare shen as assjee cha nel shin clashtyn agh ny cooishyn 'sy phodcast shoh. Ta Phil Gawne aa-loayrt drane beg son paitchyn er-nyn-son ayns 'Goll as Gaccan'. Ass yn chyndaays 'sy Ghaelg jeh Dracula liorish Bram Stoker, ta shin clashtyn episode elley ayns 'Claare ny Gael'.Daniel Quayle presents 'Kiaull as Cooish', that programme out of which we only hear the cooishyn in this podcast. Phil Gawne recites a little rhyme for children for us in 'Goll as Gaccan'. From the translation into Manx of Dracula by Bram Stoker, we hear another episode in 'C...
Ta Daniel Quayle ayns shoh reesht lesh y chlaare echey, 'Kiaull as Cooish', as magh assjee ta shin clashtyn ny vees ry ghra ec Daniel mychione y chiaull as ny kiaulleyderyn, ga nagh vel shin clashtyn ny recortyssyn jeu. Cha row skeeal ny fockleyn jeh arrane 'sy Ghaelg ec Phil Gawne er-nyn-son ayns 'Goll as Gaccan' fastyr Jedoonee, agh fastyr beg Jedoonee ayns 'Claare ny Gael' va episode elley er-nyn-son ass chyndaays 'sy Ghaelg jeh Dracula liorish Bram Stoker.Daniel Quayle is here again with his programme, 'Kiaull as Cooish', and from it we hear what Daniel has to say about the music and th...
Lesh Radio TT er AM, cha row 'Kiaull as Cooish' marish Daniel Quayle ry chlashtyn, as ga dy row recortyssyn feer anaasagh ec Phil Gawne ayns 'Goll as Gaccan', cha row meer 'sy chlaare ass skeeal ny fockleyn jeh arrane ny'n lheid 'sy Ghaelg. Dy cadjin cha nel shin clashtyn veg ass 'Traa dy Liooar' ayns y phodcast shoh, agh y cheayrt shoh ta shin lheimmey er nyn doshiaght liorish laa dy ghoaill stiagh meer ass y chlaare shen Jelune 10oo Mean Souree bentyn da ny Ratchyn TT dy lhieeney paart jeh'n varney. Eisht ta shin goll back gys 'Claare ny Gael' as meer elley ass Dracula liorish Bram Stoker...
Meeryn agh ass daa chlaare er-nyn-son y cheayrt shoh, agh ta shin clashtyn Phil Gawne as fockleyn cochianglt rish skeeal ass shennaghys Vannin, as eisht ta shin feddyn magh ny vees taghyrt rish ny cumraagyn va shelg yn Count Dracula, as shoh ayns chyndaays 'sy Ghaelg jeh'n skeeal ard-ghooagh shoh scruit ec Bram Stoker.Extracts from only two programmes for us this time, but we hear Phil Gawne and words associated with a story from Manx folklore, and then we find out what is happening with the comrades who are hunting Count Dracula, and this is in a translation into Manx of the famous story w...
She Maralyn Crellin ta shin clashtyn ayns 'Shiaght Laa', roish my vees Phil Gawne lhaih dooin yn ayrn s'jerree jeh skeeal ayns 'Goll as Gaccan'. Ass 'Claare ny Gael' ta episode elley ass chyndaays 'sy Ghaelg jeh Dracula liorish Bram Stoker.It's Maralyn Crellin whom we hear in 'Shiaght Laa', before Phil Gawne reads to us the final part of a story in 'Goll as Gaccan'. From 'Claare ny Gael' there's another episode from the translation into Manx of Dracula by Bram Stoker.
She Fiona McArdle va chebbal 'Shiaght Laa' fastyr beg Jerdein, as ta shin clashtyn arrane 'sy Ghaelg neesht. Ta Daniel Quayle ayns shoh reesht dy hebbal 'Kiaull as Cooish', as ta shin clashtyn coraa Daniel, ny yeih nagh vel shin clashtyn y kiaull ass yn chlaare. Cha row meer er-lheh ec Phil Gawne er-nyn-son ayns 'Goll as Gaccan' y cheayrt shoh, myr shoh ta shin goll dy jeeragh gys 'Claare ny Gael', as aynjee ta episode elley ass chyndaays 'sy Ghaelg jeh Dracula liorish Bram Stoker.It's Fiona McArdle who presents 'Shiaght Laa' on Thursday evening, and we hear a song in Manx as well. Daniel Q...
Ta three cooish ghiare ain 'sy Ghaelg ass 'Shiaght Laa'. Eisht ayns 'Kiaull as Cooish' ta shin clashtyn ooilley ny cooishyn va goll eddyr Owen Williams as Phil Gawne, agh cha nel shin clashtyn y kiaull hene. Ta Phil Gawne as Simon Clarke chebbal 'Goll as Gaccan', as magh ass y chlaare shen ta shin clashtyn meer elley jeh skeeal - yn ayrn s'jerree ry heet foast. Ta ayrn elley jeh'n skeeal, Dracula liorish Bram Stoker, ry chlashtyn ayns chyndaays 'sy Ghaelg ayns 'Claare ny Gael'.
There are three short topics for us in 'Shiaght Laa'. Then in 'Kiaull as Cooish' we here all the cooish that's g...
Ta Maralyn Crellin chebbal 'Shiaght Laa' as aynjee ta shin clashtyn recortys jeh Juan y Geill neesht. She Phil Gawne as Owen Williams vees chebbal 'Kiaull as Cooish', as 'syn aght cadjin cha nel shin clashtyn y kiaull ayns shoh. Cha row ayrn jeh skeeal 'sy Ghaelg ayns 'Goll as Gaccan' y cheayrt shoh, myr shoh ta shin goll dy jeeragh gys 'Claare ny Gael' as ayrn elley jeh'n chyndaays 'sy Ghaelg jeh Dracula liorish Bram Stoker.
Maralyn Crellin presents 'Shiaght Laa' and in it we hear a recording of Jack Gell as well. It's Phil Gawne and Owen Williams who present 'Kiaull as Cooish', and in th...
Ta 'Shiaght Laa' goll er chebbal liorish Fiona McArdle, agh cha nel ee ny lomarcan. Va Phil Gawne as Owen Williams loayrt ry cheilley mychione y chiaull ayns 'Kiaull as Cooish', as choud's nagh vel shin clashtyn y kiaull, ta shin clashtyn ny t'ad dy ghra. Ta Phil Gawne marish Simon Clarke son 'Goll as Gaccan' as ta Phil ginsh dooin y nah ayrn jeh skeeal. She ayrn jeh skeeal vees ry chlashtyn ayns 'Claare ny Gael' neesht, lesh ayrn elley jeh'n chyndaays 'sy Ghaelg jeh Dracula liorish Bram Stoker.
'Shiaght Laa' is being presented by Fiona McArdle, but she's not alone. Phil Gawne and Owen Wi...
Ta 'Shiaght Laa' ry chlashtyn reesht lesh toshiaght jeh straih noa, myr shoh ta shin goaill toshiaght lesh meeryn 'sy Ghaelg ass y chlaare shen. Ta Daniel Quayle 'sy teyrlann dy hebbal 'Kiaull as Cooish' as cha nel eh ny lomarcan. Ta shin clashtyn ny cooishyn eddyr eshyn as e charrey. Ayns 'Goll as Gaccan' ta Phil Gawne ginsh da Simon Clarke dy vel eh fosyn jannoo reesht myr v'eh jannoo ny s'moghey 'sy vlein, as shen lhaih magh paart jeh skeeal 'sy Ghaelg. Ta episode elley er-nyn-son ass chyndaays 'sy Ghaelg jeh Dracula liorish Bram Stoker, as ta shin jeeaghyn er shen ayns 'Claare ny Gael'....