Christy was joined on the Conister Rock today by a Man of Mischief with a very recognisable voice and one or two famous catchphrases under his flat cap..
DERRY KISSACK is a skilled tradesman, champion sidecar trialsman, after dinner speaker and published author; he’s the man tasked with keeping control of the World Famous Purple Helmets and he has more than one or two stories to tell (many of which are less than broadcastable!)
He regailed us with wonderful tales from his idyllic childhood in Crosby, talked about his sidecar trials successes, his near misses with death and the 45 acre farm in Onchan that he now calls home with wife Tricia. And, of course, told a tale or two about the Purple Helmets stunt team... All while sharing pieces of music that really mean something to him.
If you want to get hold of a copy of Derry's memoirs, 'Do you know Derry Kissack? No - but I know a fella who does' (pictured), they can be purchased from the Lexicon bookshop in Douglas (01624 673004) or from Derry himself. It's full of wonderful stories and photographs - a few of which you can see below.
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