On Air Sundown Judith Ley | 9:00pm - 1:00am

Late Lunch listen again: Nicole Stott, Michelle Ferrer and Annie and Aaron

On the programme today, we continued our celebration of the 50 year anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission which took Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins to the moon.

- we heard astronaut Nicole Stott talk about her own experiences walking in space - and her own mission to try and capture a photo of the Isle of Man from the space station, which proved much more difficult than she hoped due to our rather unpredictable weather!

- we had another superb Greatest Hit selection from Marc Tyley, who this week remembered the time that the Rolling Stones played right here in Douglas -before they'd even written a song of their own (don't forget you can listen to Marc every Monday to Thurs evening from 6pm); 

- we heard about the opportunities for volunteering with the Stroke Association and Michelle Ferrer also gave information about the different types of stroke to be aware of - to find out more about the charity, call 07624 399069

- and our work experience students Annie and Aaron from Ballakermeen High School share some wonderful nuggets of Apollo 11 themed trivia

Our Soul Starter today was a little known space-themed number from Bo Diddley, with his 1970 tune 'Bad Side of the Moon'

And the Jukebox was a battle of the exercise videos, as Olivia Newton John's 'Physical' won out over birthday boy Eric Prydz with 'Call Me'

If you missed any part of today's programme, you can listen again at this link for the next 7 days. Have a lovely weekend and we'll be back with you on Monday at 2pm!