On Air Mannin Line Alex Brindley | Noon - 1:00pm

After Hours

https://mmo.aiircdn.com/61/624e9c9c95379.jpgDo you like feeling confused and hate being alone at night? Rhian can help you with both these things. All you have to do is tune into After-Hours Wednesday to Friday where Rhi will pop the kettle on and keep you company 10-midnight.

Wednesdays in the After-Hours Club are Mid-Week Mastermind nights. A pub quiz night where you can question your intelligence and win nothing.

On Thursdays, Rhian is your personal jukebox for a majority request night. Anything you want to hear, you get - unless we don’t have it or Rhi doesn’t like it.

And Fridays are the After-Hours Club disco night where we focus on a different era each week, starting in the 50s and finishing in the noughties.

So come and join the After-Hours Club. There’s a small initiation process for new members involving an Abacus, some Lycra, and a ferret but it’s nothing to be too concerned about.