On Air Night Flight | Midnight - 5:00am

'We will not be opening up hub schools at all' - Allinson

'Cha bee mayd fosley scoillyn imleigagh er chor erbee' - Allinson

Shirveishagh ynsee gra dy jean ooilley ny scoillyn aa-fosley Mee Averil

Cha bee scoillyn imleigagh son paitchyn ec obbreeyn lane-scanshoil aa-fosley 'sy traa shoh fo ghlass.

Ta'n Shirveishagh Ynsee gra dy nee stayd mee-aighar t'ayn, agh fer ta eignit liorish y rate t'ayn nish jeh skeaylley Covid-19.

Va gialdyn er ve currit son lheid yn seyraad dy veeinaghey preays er obbreeyn ard-femoil er y linney toshee.

Ta'n Fer Lhee Alex Allinson gra dy vel dean y rheynn dy bee ooilley ny scoillyn er nyn aa-fosley y nah vee ayns ynnyd jeh shen.

AS YN FER LHEE ALLINSON : Ta shin er ve cur eab er aa-fosley imleig son ny obbreeyn lane-femoil shen, er-lheh er-nyn-son ta gobbraghey ayns Thie Lheiys Noble, agh ta shen er ve doillee, cur caghlaaghyn lught-thie stiagh 'sy troggal cheddin. Myr shoh cha bee mayd fosley scoillyn imleigagh er chor erbee derrey'n Chaisht.

Agh ny ta shin er ghra, shen dy bee mayd aa-fosley ooilley ny scoillyn 12ah Mee Averil, myr veagh ad er ve foshlit dy cadjin. Ny bee mayd cur eab er fakin ec y traa shen, goaill yn coyrle share veih Slaynt y Theay, dy yannoo shickyr dy vel shin lhaggaghey gaue erbee t'er mayrn wheesh as oddys ve jeant.


Education minister says all schools will reopen in April

Hub schools for the children of critical workers won't be reopening during this lockdown.

The Education Minister says it's an unfortunate situation, but one dictated by the current level of Covid-19 spread. 

Such a facility had been promised to alleviate pressure on key workers on the frontline. 

Dr Alex Allinson says the department aims to have all schools reopened next month instead:

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