Ta ny sheshaghtyn-keirdey 'nyn gaarjyn' jeh'n Ellan
Ard-reihyssyn y Reeriaght Unnaneyssit, gollrish y fer yn çhiaghtin shoh chaie, t'ad dy neuhaghnagh bentyn rish yn Ellan, ta eear-leeideilagh sheshaght-cheirdey gra.
Ta ny Thoreeyn shirrey pohlldal veih'n Phartee Unnaneyssagh Deynlagh dy chummey reiltys mynchooid, erreish daue v'er choayl y vooar-chooid oc ayns Quaiyl Hostyn.
Kyndagh rish shen, Oraid y Ven-Rein, ta fockley-magh plannyn reiltys y Reeriaght Unnaneyssit son paart dy vleeantyn ta ry-heet, t'ee er ny cur sheear.
Ta Bernard Moffatt gra, myr s'leaie vees y meereiltys t'ayn nish feayshlit, share vees eh da dy chooilley pheiagh, as t'eh soilshaghey scansh ny sheshaghtyn-keirdey.
Unions are a 'friend' of the Island
UK general elections like last week's contest inevitably impact on the Island, so says a former union head.
The Conservatives are seeking support from the Democratic Unionist Party to form a minority government after losing their House of Commons majority.
As a result, the Queen's Speech - which details the government's plans for the next few years - has been pushed back.
Bernard Moffatt says the sooner the current instability in the UK is resolved, the better all round, and shows the importance of rade unions.