She 'craueeaght foalsey' imraaghyn bentyn da'n Reeriaght Unnaneyssit myr kemmyrk-cheesh
She 'craueeaght foalsey' t'ayn, ta tarmaynagh Manninagh gra rish faaue dy noddagh yn Reeriaght Unnaneyssit çheet dy ve ny kemmyrk-cheesh, my vees ee scarrey dy bollagh rish yn Unnaneys Oarpagh.
Ec y jerrey-shiaghtin, Philip Hammond, Shansyleyr yn Reeriaght Unnaneyssit, dooyrt eh my vees yn Reeriaght eignit faagail yn Unnaneys Oarpagh fegooish coardail ny entreilys gys y vargey singil, ny garraghey seyr, syn ynnyd jeh shen oddagh ee cur ashoon keesh injil er bun.
Tarmaynagh as Caairliagh Phossan Çhaghnoaylleeaght Vannin, John Webster, t'eh gra dy vel ny h-imraaghyn er chur yindys mooar mastey lught-dellal Vannin, er yn oyr dy begin da'n Ellan fendeil ee hene myr reillys har-mooir son feed blein.
Ny-yei shen as ooilley, ta Mnr Webster gra nagh vel y faaue baggyrt dy mooar er cohirreydaght yn Ellan.
UK tax haven suggestions 'hypocritical'
A suggestion the UK could become a tax haven if it makes a clean break with the European Union has been described as hypocritical by a Manx economist.
At the weekend, Chancellor Philip Hammond said if Britain was forced to leave the EU without an agreement or access to the single market or free movement, it could instead adopt a low-tax economic model.
Economist and Chairman of Manx Technology Group John Webster says the comments have raised eyebrows in the Manx business community - as the Island has had to defend its position as an offshore jurisdiction for two decades.
However, Mr Webster says the suggestion poses no great threat to the Island's competitiveness.