Immeeaght symbollagh fosley reayrt son peer
Y possan caggey peer Victorianagh Rhumsaa y yannoo ass y noa, ren eh roshtyn gys daa chlagh-veeilley ec y jerrey-shiaghtin.
Treisht Jannoo Ass y Noa Peer y Venrein, reagh ad fosley symbollagh giat fastyr Jedoonee (y chied laa Mee Boaldyn).
Ga dy row yn giat 'er ny osley', cha nel y theay foast lowit goll er y pheer.
Va ny h-ogheryn currit da'n phossan, ny lurg da v'er gheddyn kied reiltys lane chreear y yannoo jeh'n troggalys.
Aghin ry-hoi troggal argid liorish çhionnal, t'ee er ny cur er bun dy hroggal daeed thousane punt, y chied fer jeh bayaghyn y pheer y yannoo ass y noa.
Fosley yn giat Jedoonee, t'eh er chooney lesh duillag Just Giving Facebook - ga dy vel ram argid ry-hroggal, as y feme dy hroggal ny shlee na millioon punt dy lieh dy yannoo yn slane pheer ass y noa.
Symbolic event unlocks vision for pier
The group campaigning to restore Ramsey's Victorian pier reached two milestones at the weekend.
The Queen's Pier Restoration Trust held a symbolic gate unlocking on Sunday afternoon (1 May).
Despite the 'opening' the pier remains out of bounds for the public.
The group was handed the keys after being awarded a government licence to carry out a full survey of the structure.
A crowd funding appeal's also been set up to raise £40,000 to restore the first of the pier's bays.
Sunday's gate opening the gate has helped boost the Just Giving Facebook page - although a long slog lies ahead, with more than £1.5 million needed to restore the entire pier.