Obbyr yerrinagh Stiureyder-Fysseree yn Chommeeys Celtiagh
Coraa ta mie er enn syn Ellan, bee eh ry-chlashtyn foast son paart dy veeghyn elley.
Ta Bernard Moffatt er ve ny Stiureyder-Fysseree jeh'n Chommeeys Celtiagh rish ymmodee bleeantyn, as er y gherrid t'eh er ve loayrt mychione cooishyn gollrish ymmyrkey laagh-marrey veih purt Phurt ny h-Inshey, as traaleyr Yernagh va jeeaghyn dy ve goit ec fo-vooirane ayns Mooir Vannin.
Er y gherrid, dooyrt eh dy dennee eh dy row eh liklee dy beagh fer elley goaill e startey lurg çhaglym cadjin bleinoil y Chommeeys ayns Divlyn.
T'eh gra, ga ta caghlaaghyn jeant jeh sleih ta jannoo startaghyn ennagh, nee eh tannaghtyn sy startey son blein elley. Agh t'eh gra ny sodjey dy nee shoh vees e obbyr yerrinagh son shickyrys.
Swansong for Celtic League's Director of Information
A well-known voice on the Island will still be heard for some months yet.
Bernard Moffatt has been the Director of Information for the Celtic League for many years and has recently been speaking out on issues such as the transportation of silt from Peel harbour and an incident in which an Irish trawler was apparently snagged by a submarine in the Irish Sea.
He recently said he felt it was likely he would be replaced in the position following the League's AGM in Dublin.
He says whilst there were some officer position changes he will remain in post for another year, though adds this will definitely be his swansong.