On Air Breakfast Warm Up Chris Quirk | 5:00am - 6:00am

Student Fare Campaign would effectively "pay for itself"

Oddagh Troddan Tailley Studeyr dy fondagh "eeck er-e-hon hene"

Aghin son troailt barroose lieh-tailley son studeyryn jeh'n eash 16+

Ta troddan er ny ghoaill toshiaght, shirrey er yn Rheynn Bun-Troggalys as Bus Vannin dy chur er bun taillaghyn lieh-leagh son studeyryn shey bleeaney jeig dy eash as ny shinney.

By vie lesh Troddan Tailley Studeyr cur y costys jeh jannoo ymmyd jeh arraghey theayagh, er-nyn-son ta freggyrtagh rish shiartanse dy chriteria, y red cheddin as er-nyn-son eddyr 5 as 15 bleeaney. 

Ta Archibald Elliott, ta cheu heear jeh'n eab, garganey dy nee fondagh eh veih cheu y chostys. 

AS ARCHIBALD ELLIOTT : "Ta barel aym dy jean eh eeck er-e-hon hene, ayns rieughid, er yn oyr dy bee tooilley sleih er barrooseyn my vees rate tailley smoo tastagh ayn. As cha nee corrillagh foawragh eh jeh'n phobble.  T'eh greinnaghey studeyryn nagh jinnagh goll er barroose aght erbee as yinnagh ad imman er yn oyr dy vel eh s'neu-gheyrey, dy gholl er y varroose shen as dy eeck y lieh-tailley. 

"As er-lhiam dy nee ymmyd share eh jeh argid eeckeyderyn keesh, dy vel shirveish ain eeckit ec ny eeckeyderyn keesh ec y chostys share son yn aegid as feme oc er yn ablid dy gholl er oaie as yn ablid oc dy gholl mygeayrt yn Ellan as dy chur daue tooilley neu-chrogheydys."   

Ta Mnr Elliott er chur er bun aghin, dy hymsaghey cooney son y troddan.


Plea for half-price bus travel for students aged 16+

A campaign has been started, lobbying the Department of Infrastructure and Bus Vannin to introduce half-price fares for students aged 16 and over.

The Student Fare Campaign wants to bring the cost of using public transport, for those who meet certain criteria, in line with 5-15 year olds.

Archibald Elliott, who's behind the push, argues it's cost effective:

Mr Elliott has started a petition, to gather support for the campaign.


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