Treealtyssyn caghlaait son ynnyd scanshoil
Treealtyssyn noa dy lhiasaghey yn ynnyd raad va'n eear-Thie-Oast Ooasle Ellanagh ayns Rhumsaa, t'ad er nyn gaghlaa ersooyl veih'n treealtys blockyn dy h-aarasaneyn y hroggal.
Ta'n faaue currit nish nane-jeig dy hieyn scarrit y hroggal.
Va'n shenn thie-oast lhieggit sheese, as va'n ynnyd glennit magh paart dy vleeantyn er dy henney liorish y delleyder Trevor Hemmings.
Ayns maylartys, choard eshyn y Thie-Oast Pairk Rhumsaa y hroggal.
Yn Ard Shirveishagh Allan Bell, resoon eh marish Mnr Hemmings cre harragh er yn ynnyd, as v'eh coardit dy ragh thieyn scarrit lesh ard-whuallid er troggal ayns shen. Yinnagh shen gyrjaghey y nabooys, dooyrt Mnr Bell.
Revised proposals for landmark site
New proposals to develop the former Grand Island Hotel site in Ramsey have moved away from the original idea of blocks of flats. What is now being suggested are eleven detached houses.
The site was cleared some years ago by businessman Trevor Hemmings who agreed, in return, to build the Ramsey Park Hotel.
Chief Minister Allan Bell discussed the future of the site with Mr Hemmings and it was agreed that high quality detached houses would be built there which would enhance the neighbourhood.