Ta'n bieauid jeh caghlaa 'ro voal'
Yn Oltey jeh'n Chiare as Feed ren girree as oik myr shirveishagh reiltys erreish da v'er ghra dy row rouyr dy leih çheu-sthie noi caghlaa, t'eh gra dy vel eh foast boirit.
Jirree Chris Robertshaw ass oik myr shirveishagh son polasee as aa-chummey sy nah vee, as eh gra 'nagh liooar' va 'yn raad as bieauid jeh aa-chummey'.
Ga dy row cummey jeant jeh ram deanyn moylleydagh, va foast paart dy cho-obbreeyn as sharvaantyn theayagh noi aa-chummey, t'eh credjal.
Ta Mnr Robertshaw gra dy re ro voal foast yn bieauid jeh caghlaa.
Pace of change 'too slow'
The MHK who resigned as a government minister after claiming too many within were resisting change says his concerns remain.
Chris Robertshaw stood down as minister for policy and reform in February, describing the 'direction and pace of reform' as 'inadeqate'.
He believes while many laudable aims have been outlined, some colleagues and civil servants are still opposed to reform.
Mr Robertshaw says the pace of change is still too slow.