T'eh creidit dy re jeshaghtyn va ro vooar va'n oyr dy row troaryn caghlaait
T'eh creidit dy re jeshaghtyn va ro vooar va'n oyr dy row ny troaryn jeh kiare ass queig jeusyn hug kione er y ratçh TT Classicagh Sur-roar Jelune, caghlaait.
Va ny troaryn er nyn gaghlaa mysh nuy er y chlag oie Jelune, shiartanse dy h-ooryn lurg jerrey yn ratçh.
Hannee Michael Dunlop ny chosneyder, va Michael Rutter er ny yrjaghey gys yn nah ynnyd veih'n chiarroo ynnyd, as ghleash William Dunlop gys yn trass ynnyd.
She Kawasaki-yn va ooilley ny queig roaryn-bree, lesh jeshaghtyn shiaght cheead dy lieh cc.
Hie jees oc er goaill veih my cheilley lurg y
ratçh TT Classicagh Sur-roar, as v'eh feddynit dy row ny jeshaghtyn oc ro vooar.
Va'n jees elley goit ersooyl veih'n ard-scrutee as faagit mooie. Cha row Suzuki Michael Dunlop er ny ghoaill veih my cheilley, er yn oyr dy jagh yn jeshaght er towse as er sealal Jeheiney.
Shimmey feysht va currit er ny meanee sheshoil, as ad briaght cre'n fa nagh row shoh feddynit magh roish yn ratçh.
Ta ny troaryn noa ry-gheddyn er-linney ec iomtt.com
Oversized engines believed to be reason for results changed
it's understood oversized engines were the reason four of the five finishers in Monday's Superbike Classic TT race were disqualified.
The results were changed around 9pm on Monday, several hours after the race was completed.
Whilst Michael Dunlop remained the winner, Michael Rutter was promoted from fourth to second and William Dunlop moved into third place.
All the bikes concerned were Kawasakis with 750cc engines.
Two were stripped after the Superbike Classic TT race and found to have oversized engines. The other two were taken away from the technical inspection area and therefore excluded.
Michael Dunlop's Suzuki wasn't stripped down as the engine was measured on Friday and sealed.
Many comments on social media about why this wasn't found out before the race.
Revised results can be found online at iomtt.com