On Air One to Three Tom Cain | 1:00pm - 3:00pm

Member of the House of Keys for Douglas Central calls for more reforms to the Legislative Council amid ongoing elections

Oltey yn Chiare as Feed son Doolish Veanagh cur eam son tooilley aa-chummaghyn da Coonceil Slattyssagh choud's ta reihyssyn fo raad

Ta traa ec shirreyderyn cummyssagh derrey Jerrey Geuree dy chur stiagh yeearreeyn 

Ta shirreyderyn er n'ghoaill toshiaght er cheet er-nyn-doshiaght son reihyssyn da'n Choonceil Slattyssagh choud's ta kiare Olteynyn yn Choonceil Slattyssagh jannoo aarloo dy heet gys jerrey ny traaghyn oc.

Rere oardagh lhiassit shegin da treishteilee nish cur stiagh CV, as cheet quail Olteynyn yn Chiare as Feed cooidjagh, shaghey ve nyn lhie er enmyssaghtyn er-lheh.

Ta sleih treishteil dy jean ny caghlaaghyn bishaghey caghlaays as greinnaghey feallee noa dy chur roish nyn enmyn.

Dinsh Oltey yn Chiare as Feed son Doolish Veanagh Chris Thomas da Radio Vannin, choud's ta ny caghlaaghyn jannoo seose kesmad er oai, dy vel eh credjal dy vel feme er tooilley aghtyn dy hareaghey y chooish.

AS CHRIS THOMAS : "By vie lhiam dy liooar toiggal ny ta sleih cheumooie jeh'n Chiare as Feed smooinaghtyn mychione yn feallee ta cur roish ad hene, ta cur stiagh son y startey.

"Ayns fockleyn elley, foddee dy vel ny eirinee cur cooidjagh cubbyl dy yeearreeyn ta jeant oc as ta'n jeadys eirinagh ayns foayr jeu; foddee dy vel lughtyn-reill ynnydoil geearree jannoo shen; foddee dy vel thieyn dellal geearree jannoo shen; foddee dy vel Sheshaght yn Lught-traghtee geearree jannoo shen; foddee dy vel fir lhee geearree jannoo shen.

"Ayns fockleyn elley, cha nel yn feallee shoh reiht, cha nel currym reihyssagh deynlagh oc, agh foddee ad ve nyn jaghteryn son oyr."

Ta'n traa son cur stiagh dooney yn 9 Jerrey Geuree lesh co-whaiyl yn 24 Jerrey Geuree.

Ta traa eisht ec Olteynyn yn Chiare as Feed derrey yn 13 Toshiaght Arree dy chur roish ny dy niartaghey ny reih-hirreyderyn oc.

Ta cruinnaght reihyssagh plannit yn 24 Toshiaght Arree as yn reihys geiyrt er shen yn 4 Mee Vayrt.

Hig ny shirreyderyn speeideilagh dy ve currit fo loo yn 11 Mee Vayrt.  


Translation notes : ta traa ec . . . derrey : for candidates have until ve nyn lhie er : literally, be in their state of lying on, for relying on : Ta sleih treishteil : for the abstract It is hoped : feallee . . . nyn enmyn feallagh or feallee is a collective noun, but in referring to these people I have used the plural, nyn enmyn as ad : jannoo seose : not in the English, but used to express that these changes constitute : aghtyn dy hareaghey y chooish : periphrasis for improvements : ta'n jeadys eirinagh ayns foayr jeu : literally, that the farming industry is in favour of, turning the sentence around, for that have got the support of the farming industry currym reihyssagh deynlagh oc : using currym, a duty, a charge, for mandate, with reihyssagh for electoral, related to an election, and deynlagh for democratic, which is a coining from Irish, possibly by Brian Mac Stoyll :  nyn jaghteyryn son oyr : literally, in their state of being representatives for a purpose, for functional representatives : ta traa eisht ec . . . derrey : see first note above : dy chur roish ny dy niartaghey : literally, to put forward or to strengthen, 'strengthen' in the sense of reinforce, back, meaning here to second a nomination : reih-hirreyderyn : for preferred candidates, with reih- used as a prefix to denote chosen, favoured, preferred, but this appears to have been coined in recent years, possibly in DyK's dictionary - an alternative would be a phrase like ny hirreyderyn as share lhieu ad or ny hirreyderyn jeusyn t'ad soiaghey : cruinnaght reihyssagh : using cruinnaght as a gathering, this would be an electoral gathering, though perhaps doesn't express hustings, which derives from hus, the word for a house used in the sense of assembly or chamber, with a platform for speakers as would-be members : perhaps ardan reihyssagh, or crannag reihyssagh


Prospective candidates have until January to submit applications

Candidates have begun coming forward for the Legislative Council elections as four Members of the Legislative Council prepare to reach the end of their terms.

A revised process means hopefuls must now submit a CV, and meet with Members of the House of Keys collectively, rather than relying on individual nominations.

It's hoped the changes will boost diversity and encourage fresh faces to put their names forward.

Member of the House of Keys for Douglas Central Chris Thomas told Manx Radio, while the changes are a step forward, he believes further improvements are needed:

CHRIS THOMAS SAYS : "I would quite like to know what people outside the House of Keys think about the people who are proposing themselves, they're applying for the job.

"In other words, perhaps the farmers want to put together a couple of applications that they make, that have got the support of the farming industry; perhaps local authorities want to do that; perhaps businesses want to do that; perhaps the Chamber of Commerce wants to do that; perhaps doctors want to do that.

"In other words, these people are not elected, they don't have a democratic, electoral mandate, but they could be functional representatives." 

The application period closes on 9 January with a conference on 24 January.

Members of the House of Keys then have until 13 February to propose or second their preferred candidates.

Hustings are planned for 24 February followed by the election on 4 March.

Swearing-in for successful candidates will take place on 11 March.

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