On Air Night Flight | Midnight - 5:00am

Manx Utilities Authority can't guarantee it won't need to borrow more money

Cha nod Lught-Reill Bun-Shirveishyn Vannin cur barrant er nagh bee feme er goaill tooilley argid er eeasaght

Caairlagh gra dy vel margaghyn foast 'ard-chaghlaaee'

Ta Bun-Shirveishyn Vannin gra nagh vod eh cur barrant er nagh bee feme echey er goaill tooilley argid er eeasaght dy phohlldal custymeyryn bree.

Ta streean er priosyn son lectraght derrey jerrey Mee Vayrt 'sy vlein shoh cheet.

As eh loayrt rish Bing Tinvaal son Scrutaght Tarmaynagh Jelune 28 Mee Houney hug y caairlagh coontey jeh ny margaghyn myr 'ard-chaghlaaee'.

Dooyrt Tim Johnston, ny yeih prios dowanagh son gass cheet neose dy mooar, dy vel eh neu-phossible dy ve shickyr mychione gleashaghey 'sy traa ry heet.

AS TIM JOHNSTON : My vees reddyn goll er myr t'ad, myr ta mee gra, ta shin ayns stayd hannah as ta priosyn mysh yn lieh ayrn jeh'n faaishnys. Voddym cur gialdyn nagh bee feme er goaill er eeasaght ny smoo na shen? Cha nod. Agh er-lhiam, ec y traa t'ayn, er-lhiam dy vel shin gennaghtyn souyr dy bee mayd gobbraghey cheusthie jeh shen.


Chair says markets are still 'volatile'

Manx Utilities says it cannot guarantee it won’t need to borrow more money to support energy customers.

Electricity prices on the Island are currently capped until the end of March next year.

Speaking to a Tynwald Economic Review Committee on Monday 28 November the chairman described the markets as ‘volatile’.

Tim Johnston said despite the global price of gas coming down substantially it’s impossible to be certain of future movements:

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