Oddagh cummaltagh Ellanagh er screeu yn chied 'earroo nane' son ny Beatles
Arrane screeuit ec cummaltagh Ellanagh, oddagh eh er ve ny hit earroo nane ec ny Beatles - shen cordail rish y jantagh-kereneen, George Martin marroo.
Ayns shenn whaaltys, dooyrt eh dy re 'How Do You Do It?' v'eh laccal dy ve ny chied hit mooar ec ny Beatles - she arrane screeuit ec Mitch Murray v'ayn.
Agh, dooyrt Martin, smooinee yn possan-kiaullee nagh nee yn style v'ocsyn v'ayn.
Island resident could have penned Beatles' first number one
A song wriiten by an Island resident could have been the Beatle's number one hit - according to late record producer George Martin.
The 'fifth Beatle' - famous for his work with the Liverpool outfit - died last week at the age of 90.
In an archived interview, he said he wanted the band's first big hit to be 'How Do You Do It?', a track penned by Mitch Murray.
However, Martin revealed the band felt it didn't fit their style.