Shegin levallyn-skimmee goll er scrutaghey, ta Teare gra
Ta'n Shirveishagh Tashtee gra dy bee eh doillee dy reayll rick er argid y reiltys, kyndagh rish bishaghey-faill va currit da paart dy h-obbreeyn sy cherroo theayagh.
Va 2.2% dy vishaghey currit da mysh tree thousane as tree cheead obbreeyn sy cherroo theayagh - ny shlee na'n nane sy cheead va lowit ayns claareyn-argidoil rheynnyn.
Ta shen corrym rish 1.6 millioon punt tooilley, dy h-argid theayagh.
Va'n bishaghey coardit ec commishoon ny shirveishyn theayagh as ny sheshaghtyn-keirdey.
Ta'n Shirveishagh Tashtee Eddie Teare gra dy bee feme er scrutaghey levallyn-skimmee reesht.
Govt staffing must be looked at, says Teare
The Treasury minister says it will be difficult to keep government finances on track, following a pay rise awarded to some public sector workers.
Around 3,300 have been given the 2.2% increase, more than the 1% allowed for in departmental budgets.
It amounts to an extra £1.6 million of public money.
The award was agreed by the Public Services Commission and the unions.
Treasury Minister Eddie Teare says staffing levels will need to be looked at again.