On Air One to Three Tom Cain | 1:00pm - 3:00pm

Gilbert trustee devastated by art theft

Treishteilagh Gilbert lag-chreeagh dy mooar ec gaddeeaght ellyn

80 obbyr ellyn geidit, 20 stroiet

Ta treishteilagh Treisht Ellyn David Gilbert er loayrt mychione y 'ghreain, y chorree as y lag-chreeys' echy lurg da 80 obbyr ellyn ve geidit, lesh 20 elley er nyn stroie. 

Va'n treisht currit er bun lurg baase Mnr Gilbert 'sy vlein 2016, dy aarlaghey ayndagh, dy reayll sauchey yn obbyr echey, as dy lhiggey da ve fakinit ec lught-fakin s'lhea.

V'eh goll er taishbyney 'sy Lout Sayle as ayns Thie Tashtee Vannin 'sy tourey shoh, lesh ymmodee peeshyn jeu jeant choud's va Gilbert beaghey 'syn Ellan.

Ta Nick Benefield jeh'n treisht gra dy bee barnaghyn er-lheh gyn kuse dy pheeshyn lane-femoil ayn.

Ta feeuid £150,000 er ve currit er ny peeshyn caillt.

Er-coontey y ghaddeeaght, va'n taishbynys mleeaney y cheayrt s'jerree oddagh y theay fakin y taishbynys ooilley cooidjagh.

AS NICK BENEFIELD : Ta daa waagh daa cheayrt nyn dowse dooghyssagh ren croghey myr ard pheesh dy obbyr va taishbynit 'sy Thie Tashtee ayns Ellan Vannin 'sy tourey ayns shen, Faare Mwaee, as dy jarroo, ta'n daa waagh er ve geidit as y parrad veih'n vaare. Nish ta shen cur mow dy bollagh y clane obbyr, as cha nel ad aa-noagh. Shen towl mooar 'sy chaglym ain, dy jarroo. Ga dy vel foast obbyr ayn, ta kuse dy pheeshyn ard scanshoil caillt dooin ec y traa t'ayn.  


80 artworks stolen, 20 destroyed 

A trustee of the David Gilbert Art Trust has expressed his 'shock, anger and devastation' after 80 artworks were stolen, with a further 20 destroyed.

The trust was set up after Mr Gilbert's death in 2016, to build a catalogue, keep his work safe, and allow it to be seen by a wider audience.

It was displayed at the Sayle Gallery and Manx Museum this summer, with many of the pieces produced whilst Gilbert was living on the Island.

Nick Benefield of the trust says some key pieces will be particularly missed:

The lost pieces have been valued at £150,000.

The theft means this year's exhibition was the final time the public could view the display in its entirety.

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