Earrooyn soilshaghey coontey-costys jeh kiare millioon punt sy Rheynn Slaynt as Kiarail y Theay
Ta'n Ard-Shirveishagh jannoo eddrym boirey mychione coontey son kiare millioon punt dy chostyssyn, çhaglit ec y Rheynn Slaynt as Kiarail y Theay, neayr's feed cheead as daa-yeig.
Va'n sym soilshit ayns freggyrt screeuit son Tinvaal, as v'eh er ny hoilshaghey magh ec ard-offisheyryn dy row yn sym jeant seose er y chooid smoo jeh lowanseyn-conney as costyssyn garraghey thie.
Çhaglym ooilley ny costyssyn le cheilley, foddee shen shilley cam y chur roish, ta'n eear 'er-toshee jeh'n Rheynn Howard Quayle gra.
Figures reveal DHSC's £4m expenses bill
The Chief Minister is downplaying concerns over a £4 million expenses bill racked up by the health department since 2012.
Bosses have explained the sum, revealed via a Tynwald written answer, is comprised mainly of fuel allowances for its mobile staff.
Much of the remaining figure is calied to cover off-Island training and relocation costs.
Former DHSC boss Howard Quayle says grouping all expenses together can present a distorted picture.