On Air One to Three Tom Cain | 1:00pm - 3:00pm

Minister of Environment, Food and Agriculture & Marine Biologist respond to Marine Conservation Society queen scallop report

Shirveishagh Rheynn Chymmyltaght, Bee as Eirinys & Bea-oayllee Marrey cur freggyrt da tuarastyl y Heshaght Coadey Marrey er myn-roaganyn

Geoffrey Boot as David Beard freggyr 'cur er rolley jiarg' myn-roaganyn

Yn chiaghtin shoh chaie, ren yn Cheshaght Coadey Marrey cur Myn-Roaganyn neesht 'sy rolley eck jeh 'Eeast dy Haghney'.

Ta Ard Sheckter Sheshaght Troareyderyn Eeast Vannin, yn Dr David Beard, gra dy nee neu-chairagh eh, cur Myn-Roaganyn Vannin er rolley jiarg, er yn oyr dy vel sthock ain, cosoyley rish roaganyn goit 'sy Reeriaght Unnaneysit, ta goll er reirey dy mie.

Ta'n Dr Beard, ta ny vea-oayllee marrey, gra dy vel mullagh 'sy phobble blein ny ghaa er dy henney cur er ny towseyn dy sthock t'ayn nish jeeaghyn dy ve ny sinshley na t'ad.

AS DAVID BEARD : Ta dy chooilley pheiagh cosoyley shoh rish mullagh feer vooar 'sy phobble eddyr Feed Cheead as Jeih as Feed Cheead as Kiare-Jeig. Hie eh gys yn sorch dy howseyn jeih filley ny t'eh nish, as she mullagh eh ersyn nagh row smaght erbee ain, cha nee agh phenomenon dooghyssagh v'ayn, as nagh ren taghyrt, choud's va fys ain er, roie. Myr shoh, dy mee-aighoil ta dy chooilley pheiagh cosoyley reddyn gys ny towseyn v'ayn ec ny traaghyn shen, as myr va mee gra, cha nee agh phenomenon dooghyssagh v'ayn, cha row eh veg va jeant ec lught reirey.

Neayr's shen ta'n sthock er ve leodaghey. Myr ta fys ain, ta'n bio-mass er ve goll sheese dagh blein, agh ny t'er ve jeant ain, er yn oyr dy vel fys ain dy vel y bio-mass er ve goll sheese dagh blein, ta shin er cur geill da shen ayns ny cummaghyn eeastagh ain.  

Dreggyr yn Shirveishagh Chymmyltaght, Bee as Eirinys, Geoffrey Boot, neesht, as eh cheet er y tuarastyl myr 'cur molley'.

AS GEOFFREY BOOT : 'Syn ellan ta paart ain, foddee, jeh ny eeastaghyn roagan as yn studeyrys share jeant jeu myeayrt yn RU, as ta shin, rish earroo dy vleeantyn, er chur lesh stiagh saaseyn dy yannoo cormid eddyr bio-mass jeh towseyn ny sthockyn as feme er eeastagh dy socio-harmaynagh. Dy ynnydoil ta lhiettrymyssyn ain er mooadys: shen dy ghra dy vel ad nyn roaganyn smoo roish my vees ad troarit, as shen cur ablid daue dy vylgaghey. As ayns yn daa vlein ny ny three bleeaney shoh chaie ta shin er chur shin hene ayns stayd dy vel shin abyl, rere yn reamys, dy reirey y vooir reillt, as er-lhiam dy nee scanshoil shen choud's ta shin goll er oaie.


Geoffrey Boot and David Beard react to 'red-listing' of queenies

Last week, the Marine Conservation Society added Queen Scallops to its list of 'Fish to Avoid'.

The Chief Executive of the Manx Fish Producers Organisation, Dr David Beard, says the red-listing of Manx Queenies is unfair, as in comparison to UK-caught scallops we have a well-managed stock.

Dr Beard, who is a marine biologist, says a peak in population a few years back makes current stock levels seem lower than they are:

Minister of Environment, Food & Agriculture, Geoffrey Boot, also responded, calling the report 'disappointing':

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