On Air One to Three Tom Cain | 1:00pm - 3:00pm

Could cruise terminal bring business from afar?

Noddagh kione-stashoon coorsal cur lesh dellal veih foddey?

Margey choorsal ta gaase greinnaghey feyshtyn mychione kione stashoon

Ta sourey tarroogh ayns Baie Ghoolish er ghreinnaghey eamyn noa son kione-stashoon coorsal noa.

Ren margey ny keayrtee coorsal gaase liorish y trass ayrn 'syn Ellan nurree, lesh mysh 8,000 keayrtagh cheet er y thalloo veih 24 baatyn er-lheh.

Er-lesh sleih dy voddagh ny earrooyn shen gaase liorish y cherroo ayrn elley 'sy vlein shoh cheet.

Ta king-stashoon vooarey son laineyryn coorsal plannit son Leyrphoyl chammah's Divlyn ayns ny jeih bleeaney shoh cheet.

Ta'n Reiltys er n'ghra dy jinnagh troggal fer mooie jeh preeu-valley Vannin costal mysh £80 million.

Ta'n OCF as currym ersyn son y turryssid, Rob Callister, gra dy vel feme er ronsaghey saaseyn elley dy chleayney stiagh turryssee.

AS ROB CALLISTER : Ta palchey cohirrey mooie ayns shen, as ta feme ain jannoo reddyn dy kiart dy chooilleeney shen. Ta'n £80 millioon son kuse dy haleeyn er-lheh, cha nel eh cochianglt ynrican lesh y vurt as ushtey dowin ayn. Er-lhiam dy vel y burt as ushtey dowin ayn yn ayrn smoo lane-scanshoil jeh baih yn argid shen, as er-lhiam dy lhisagh shin baih yn argid shen cho leah as oddys eh y ve jeant, as treisht orrin dy chleayney stiagh yn sorch kiart dy phashneyryn coorsal, er-y-fa, ny nagh vel shin geearree, shen ny lhuing ghloutagh, ta shin geearree ny lhuing dy vieys.


Growing cruise market prompts terminal questions

A busy summer in Douglas Bay has prompted fresh calls for a new cruise terminal.

The cruise visitor market grew by a third in the Island last year, with around 8,000 tourists coming ashore from 24 separate ships.

It's thought those numbers could grow by another quarter next year.

Large cruise liner terminals are planned for both Liverpool and Dublin over the next decade.

Government has said building one off the Manx capital would cost in the region of £80 million.

MHK responsible for tourism Rob Callister says alternative methods of attracting tourists must be explored.

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