Imneaghyn mychione plaiynt cooinsheansagh goll er aa-smooinaghtyn ec yn Chiare as Feed
Keim ronnaghyn y Villey Lhiasaghey Rey Torraghys goll er
Ren yn Chiare as Feed ceau yn chooid smoo jeh'n voghrey (Jemayrt 27oo Mee Vayrt) goll er lesh resooney magh y Billey Lhiasaghey Rey Torraghys.
Va poyntyn s'mynney y Villey, lhiassaghyn as ronnaghyn noa goll er resooney magh, ayns resoonaght va currit shaghey veih daa hiaghtin er-dy-henney.
Mastey reayn dy haaseyn va goll er aa-smooinaghtyn Jemayrt va imnea mychione faill bentyn rish plaiynt cooinsheansagh ny credjue.
Ren OCF ass-lieh Doolish Hiar Chris Robertshaw cur coontey jeh kuse jeh ny imneaghyn echey as ny oyryn cheu-chooylloo jeh ny lhiassaghyn treealit echey.
AS MNR ROBERTSHAW : Ayns rieughid, ta ny cooishyn reiree cochianglt rish . . . ny'n chochianglys eddyr yn failleydagh as yn failleydeyr . . . as t'ad nyn gooishyn er-lheh ayns Ellan Vannin, er-yn-oyr dy vel ain - ta shin nyn bobble beg, lesh thie lheiys beg. Yn doolane va foym's, shen yn aght v'ou cormaghey, ayns coryn jeh'n lheid shoh t'ain ayns shoh, yn chooish jeh'n chair dy yannoo plaiynt cooinsheansagh er yn derrey laue, as y feme baghtal, choud's ta'n billey shoh goll dy ve ny leigh, dy vel y cummys ain dy chooilleeney yn chirveish dy vel shinyn, yn Thie, gra dy lhisagh ve er ny hirrey.
Lurg beggan ny sloo na daa oor dy resoonaght, ren yn Thie goll er y hoshiaght gys yn obbyr elley echey.
Hig y Billey er-ash son tooilley aa-smooinaghtyn lurg yn Chaisht.
Conscientious objection concerns considered by Keys
Clauses stage of Abortion Reform Bill continues
The Keys spent much of the morning (Tues 27) continuing debate on the Abortion Reform Bill.
Finer points of the Bill, amendments and new clauses have been discussed, in a debate adjourned from two weeks ago.
Among a raft of measures considered on Tuesday were employment concerns with regard to conscientous objection or religious belief.
East Douglas MHK Chris Robertshaw outlined some of his concerns and reasons behind his proposed amendments.
After just under two hours of debate, the House moved on to its other business.
The Bill will return for further consideration after Easter.