'Hissy fit' yn Ard-Shirveishagh bentyn da plannal
Oltey politickagh jeh'n Rheynn Bun-Troggalys, t'eh er nyiooldey cremmey yn choarys-plannal jeh'n Ellan veih'n Ard-Shirveishagh.
Yn çhiaghtin shoh chaie, dooyrt Allan Bell OKF dy row feme er aa-chummey ec y choarys-plannal ry-hoi coadey tarmaynys Vannin.
Agh Chris Thomas OKF, ta freggyrtagh son thieys, dooyrt eshyn dy vel coarys-plannal yn Ellan er ny chaghlaa hannah.
As t'eh gra nagh row brishey-magh Vnr Bell agh beggan ny smoo na sproght.
Chief Minister's 'hissy fit' over planning
A political member in the Department of Infrastructure has dismissed criticism of the Island's planning system from the Chief Minister.
Last week, Allan Bell MHK said the whole procedure needed revamping to make sure it protects the Manx economy.
But Chris Thomas MHK, who is responsible for housing, says the Island's system has already undergone a transformation.
And he says Mr Bell's outburst was little more than a tantrum.