Bee compleks Cherry Orchard er ny yeigh
Ayrn jeh'n chompleks thie-oast as soccar, y Cherry Orchard, hed eh er jeigh, vees cur er queig as feed dy leih nyn startaghyn y choayl.
Paart jeh ny h-ard-chleaynyn turrysid - rheynn-traa, y thie-bee, bar Chequers as shamyryn-immeeaght, dooinee ad ny dorryssyn oc son dy bragh, as y colught thie-oast, Cherry Orchard Compartments Limited, ver eh sthap da dellal.
Shoh ny lurg argane beayn bentyn da lhiassaghyn dy row rouyr argid goll er shirrey er cummaltee arasaneyn, leeid gys quaiyl dy oardrail fir-hoshee faggys da kiare feed as jeih thousane punt 'eeck er-ash.
Ta ny shellooderyn Robert as Ian Gilings gra dy vel shen keeallaghey nagh vod y compleks gobbraghey ny sodjey.
Shellooderyn vargane soiagh Cherry Orchard, hug ad nyn gooish lhieu bentyn da costyssyn cummal-seose gys quaiyl. Ga dy dooar ad y varriaght, va eaishtaght elley ymmyrçhagh dy gheddyn yn argid er-ash.
Ta ny braaraghyn Gillings er nobbal dy beayn dy hirr ad rouyr argid son shirveishyn, voish çhiow as cummal-seose cadjin gys reaghey yn oltaghey, as t'ad gra, bentyn da ny kiare feed as nuy thousand punt ta'n whaiyl shirrey orroo, nagh vel shen coardail er chor erbee rish ny costyssyn firrinagh.
Lurg kuse dy h-aghinyn, ta'n piyr cur y foill er oardaghyn jerrinagh yn whaiyl, ta grait ec y phiyr dy ve "gyn oyr", son y briwnys oc dy jean ad coayl ayrn mooar jeh'n chompleks. T'ad gra nagh "vod eh ve" dy jean thie-oast tannaghtyn er-mayrn as cooishyn myr t'ad.
Nee yn çhiarn-thallooin foast gobbraghey ny h-arasaneyn, kiarail-dhyt-hene, soiaghey liauyr, as y loghan-snaue, as ta gialdin jeant dy vow sleih er-ash yeearlyssyn va eeckit ro laue.
Ayns fockley, ta'n reireyder cadjin Seamus Whelan er chur booise da theay Vannin son y pohlldal oc harrish ymmodee bleeantyn, as t'eh treishteil dy jean ad foast goaill soylley jeh'n "dellal leodit".
Cherry Orchard complex to close
Part of the Cherry Orchard hotel and leisure complex in Port Erin is to close, with the loss of 25 jobs.
Some of the main trourist attractions - the timeshare operation, restaurant, Chequers bar and function suites are shutting their doors for good, while the hotel company Cherry Orchard Compartments Limited, will cease trading.
It follows a long-running dispute about alleged over-charging of apartment residents, which resulted in a rent and rates tribunal ordering bosses to pay back almost £90,000.
The owners, Robert and Ian Gillings say that has made operating the complex impossible.
Cherry Orchard leaseholders took their case over maintenance charges to a tribunal in 2012, and although the ruling went in their favour, obtaining repayment required a further hearing.
The Gillings brothers have long disputed claims they overcharged for services, from heating and general maintenance to staffing the reception, and claim the £89,000 the tribune has landed them, bears little relation to the actual costs incurred.
After several appeals, the pair blame the tribunal's latest directions, which they describe as "unjustified", for their decision to lose a large part of the complex. They say it's "simply impossible" for a hotel to survive in the circumstances.
The landlord will continue to operate the apartments, self-catering and long let, and the swimming pool, and there's a promise all prepaid deposits will be honoured.
In a statement, general manager Seamus Whelan has thanked the Manx public for their support over many years, and hopes they will continue to enjoy the "scaled-down business".