Aawoalley yn Chommeeys Celtiagh rish Kiannoort noa
Enmyssey yn Lhiass-Chiannoort noa, t'eh er chur ferg er y Chommeeys Celtiagh.
Yn Reejerey Richard Gozney, diplomagh choorse-bea, gowee eh ynnyd Adam Wood ayns Mee Averil. She ayns Bermuda va'n startey diploamagh jerrinagh echey.
Bernard Moffatt jeh'n Chommeeys, t'eh gra dy lhisagh ad geddyn rey rish ennym y startey, chammah as y startey eh hene.
Celtic League reaction to new Governor
The naming of the new Lieutenant Governor has been met with anger by the Celtic League.
Sir Richard Gozney, a career diplomat, will take over from Adam Wood in April. His last diplomatic posting was in Bermuda.
Bernard Moffatt of the League says it is time not just the post but the title itself is done away with.