Caine mollit liorish paart politickagh ec reilleyder
Caairlagh yn Oaseirys Chellinsh foast ny pholitickeyr
Ta Oltey yn Chiare as Feed ass-lieh Garff Daphne Caine mollit nagh daink eh lesh y treealtys eck dy yannoo neu-pholitickagh paart Caairlagh yn Oaseirys Chellinsh.
Va lhiasaghey da'n Villey Chellinsh jiooldit ayns yn Chiare as Feed y chiaghtin shoh (Jemayrt 25 Toshiaght Arree) liorish 13 voteyn gys 10.
Ta Bnr Caine credjal dy nee chaghteraght danjeyragh ee son reiltys Vannin dy chur magh, soilshaghey magh mee-hreisht as feme er myn-reirey.
AS DAPHNE CAINE : Cour tastid jeh reill mie, ta feme er scarrey baghtal eddyr y reilleyder as . . . reiltys y laa, as ta shoh taghyrt lane vie 'syn Oaseirys Stiurey Carrooghys, ayns Lught-reill ny Shirveishyn Argidoil, myr shoh cre'n fa t'eh femoil dy freayll y chochianglys shen son kiarailyn ayns cur roish ny reillaghyn shoh tra t'eh cheet sheese gys yn Oaseirys Chellinsh?
Communications Commission chair still a politician
Garff MHK Daphne Caine is disappointed her move to make the chair of the Communications Commission a non-political role failed.
An amendment to the Communications Bill was rejected in the House of Keys this week (Tuesday 25 February) by 13 votes to 10.
Mrs Caine believes it's a dangerous message for the Manx government to send out, showing a lack of trust and a need to micro-manage.