Eashid as obbraghyn-raad sy Chiare as Feed
Raaidyn Vannin gaase dy ve ny smessey, va shen nane jeh ny cooishyn v'er nyn droggal sy Chiare as Feed moghrey jea.
Va kiare feyshtyn jeig er nyn gur roish shirveishee.
Shirveishagh Slaynt as Kiarail y Theay Kate Beecroft, v'ee cur eddin roish yn earroo smoo d'eyshtyn moghrey jea - cha nyrrys, bentyn da Bee er Queeylyn sy traa ry-heet, chammah as shirveishyn-endoscopys as kiarail-diabeetys.
Va oltey son Connaghyn, Julie Edge, dy ve briaght jeh'n Ard-Shirveishagh row eh smooinaghtyn mychione pointeil 'dooinney beayn ayns Lunnin' dy loayrt son yn Ellan.
Chammah as shen, va feyshtyn ec oltey son Rhumsaa, Lawrie Hooper, bentyn da penshynyn-steat as ro-vriwnys eash.
Bentyn da cooishyn elley, va coadey Seyrsnys Fysseree as cur magh kiedyn-charbyd goll er scrutaghey.
Ageism and roadworks in Keys
The deteriorating state of Manx roads was one of a number of issues being raised in the House of Keys yesterday morning.
Fourteen questions had been tabled for ministers.
Health and Social Care Minister Kate Beecroft was faciing the highest number of questions yesterday morning - unsurprisingly over the future of Meals on Wheels, as well as endoscopy services and diabetic care.
Onchan MHK Julie Edge was to ask the Chief Minister whether he was considering appointing a permament 'man in London' to represent the Island.
There were also questions from Ramsey member Lawrie Hooper over state pensions and age discrimination.
Elsewhere legislation on safeguarding Freedom of Information and vehicle licensing were being looked at.