Faragher, Corlett and Corkill take top spots
Report by Peter Kelly:
The first round of the RIELA YACHTS summer sport trap league was held at Meary Veg Santon with 20 competitors taking part in near ideal conditions.
The leader after the first round was junior Joe Faragher with 23 points, in second place on 21 was another junior - B class Zac Bellhouse - with B class Will Rand, Rob Corlett and A class Peter Kelly and Ben Stembridge in equal third place on 20.
The leading C class shooter at this stage was Ollie Tobin with 17 points and the leading lady was Nicky Barnett with 19 points.
Once the second round was competed we had the following results - Third in C class went to Les Devlin on 29 with Ollie Tobin taking second place with 33 points but winning C class with 34 points was Jeff Corkill.
We had a tie for second place in B class between Zac Bellhouse and John Moore who both scored 37 but winning B class with 40 points was Rob Corlett.
Ben Stembridge was third in A class with 38 points with Peter Kelly taking second place with 39 points but taking A class and overall high gun was junior Joe Faragher with 41 points.
A Class
1.) J Faragher (23 ,18=41)
2.) P Kelly (20,19=39)
3.) B Stembridge (20,18=38)
B Class
1.) R Corlett (20,20=40)
2.) J Moore (18,19)
=.) Z Bellhouse 21,16=37
C Class
1.) J Corkill (15,19=34)
2.) O Tobin (17,16=33)
3.) L Devlin (15,14=29)
Next week is the first round of the Colin Bowen Memorial English Skeet league.