Rugby community pays tribute to former teammates
With domestic competition just one week old, it seems an odd time to be halting play however many of the domestic players have been playing the various kickstart events since late August and while some have only been back a week, the kickstart group definitely need a week off. What better way to spend it then than remembering a former colleague?
Chris and Clarkey both left us well before their time earlier this year and their Clubs, Western Vikings and Vagabonds respectively are both holding events to commemorate their former team mates and raise some money for charity in their memories.
At QE2 School in Peel, Western Vikings, together with Castletown and some of Chris’ friends and family will be holding a friendly game kicking off at 2.15pm. Later on at The Creek starting around 7.00pm will be a celebration of Chris’ life with a raffle and Mhelliah, the proceeds of which will go to Craig’s Heartstrong Foundation.
At Vagabonds’ Ballafletcher Ground the action gets underway a little earlier. They have Under 10s from 12.00 onwards featuring Clarkey’s son Oscar. This will be followed by a presentation and then at 2.00pm, a Vagabonds XV will take on a Clarkey XV.
Fixtures 10th October
Chris Fryer Memorial @ QE2 Peel ko 2.15pm
Vagabonds XV v Clarkey XV @ Ballafletcher ko 2.00pm