C'town Southerners score late to go top of Mixed Division One (Results: 9 Nov)
Results (9-11-24)
Mixed Premier League
Vikings A 3-1 Valkyrs A
Harlequins A 3-1 Bacchas B
Vikings B 2-1 Valkyrs B
Bacchas A 4-1 Castletown Celts
Mixed Division One
Valkyrs C 0-1 Castletown Southerners
Ramsey A 2-0 Bacchas C
Vikings D 2-3 Vikings C
Mixed Division Two
Ramsey Ravens 1-7 Harlequins B
Bacchas Colts 3-3 Valkyrs D
Castletown Cammags 1-1 Castletown Cushags
Mixed Division Three
Vikings E 10-3 Harlequins C
Castletown Cosney 1-2 Bacchas D
Ramsey Rookies 5-2 Castletown Carrick
Mixed Under-15's League
Valkyrs 3-1 Castletown Sabres
Ramsey 2-3 Vikings
Bacchas 7-0 Castletown Sharks