On Air Night Flight | Midnight - 5:00am

Check List for Marshals

Marshals at T.T. 2008 will complete a check list to ensure everything required has been done ahead of practice and race sessions.

The move has been announced after Coroner Michael Moyle's severe criticism of overall race management in his report into the 26th milestone incident during last year's Senior T.T. when three people lost their lives.

The procedure is designed to clearly define the role and responsibilities of marshals.

Chairman of the Isle of Man T.T. Marshals Association Bill Carden gave more details on Manx Radio's Talking Heads programme this morning:-

Meanwhile, in the past week, 434 marshals have returned their registration forms to take up duties for T.T. fortnight.....on a par with previous years.

And a record number of people have attended Incident Management Courses over the past twelve months, both here and in the United Kingdom.

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